Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] what be going " in BNC.

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1 The images are fast and sharp , so it 's much easier to see what 's going on .
2 But there 's no doubt that if we do assume that the cuckoo 's gape is a powerful drug-like superstimulus , it becomes very much easier to explain what is going on .
3 With their teams of lawyers , accountants and company agents , and able to transfer money at the push of a computer button , the launderers dodge through the maze of the different countries ' jurisdictions creating a trail so complex that investigators , never mind the banks , find it almost impossible to spot what is going on .
4 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
5 Although it is easy to observe what is going on in practice , constructing an explicit statement of what the system is that is being considered inevitably gives rise to problems of interpretation and semantics .
6 Giving Adam the chocolate bar , letting him tell her those rather dull facts about the sea defences , it had been so easy to forget what was going on — to feel he was just her little brother and everything was ordinary , normal .
7 When he faced her again , that wall was back , and it was impossible to read what was going on in his head .
8 Scottish Office Ministers are extremely selective about when we are operating in a unitary Parliament with unitary interests and when we are operating as a small segment of the United Kingdom when that segment is not supposed to know what is going on in another .
9 Hard to tell what 's going on for sure . ’
10 It 's hard to tell what 's going through his mind .
11 The function keys allow you to call up a variety of viewpoints but , despite this , it was sometimes hard to tell what was going on .
12 ‘ But with all the noise , it was hard to tell what was going on .
13 I 'm , I 'm going to have to cut you off , cos we 're running out of time , but I very much take the point you 're making , that it could 've had this trade effect on us , just in the last ten seconds Professor Hoskin , is it possible to predict what 's going to happen in the Soviet Union over the next six months , is it gon na be for good , or , or , .
14 He was almost curious to see what was going to happen next .
15 The public were curious to know what was going on , often trying to get their reflection in the mirror in order to appear on television , and then there was the problem of health and safety and too much camera equipment in a confined space , and then the light was n't quite right …
16 It was always better to know what was going on than to lie in bed with the door shut and wonder what was happening .
17 We then went down again , this time backwards which was also excellent fun , if a little daunting with not quite being able to see what was going on .
18 In this way you will be able to relate what is going on while not actually experiencing it .
19 Corporate executives contemplating the possibility of being required to commit corporate crimes know that they face a regulatory agency which for the most part will be unable to detect what is going on , and in the minority of cases when it does , it will have no heart and few resources to pursue the matter into the criminal courts .
20 This point concerns slaughter , which has been mentioned already ; however , I would just mention that as far as religious slaughter is concerned , recent research makes it absolutely clear that animals which are killed by cutting their throats can go for between 15 and 120 seconds able to detect what is going on around them .
21 Police sources say the officers were able to hear what was going on inside the car when Sergeant Norton 's radio was accidentally switched on .
22 Nor had she been able to comprehend what was going on .
23 We shall now see that in order to account for changes in the modern world this evolutionary background of the ego and superego is by no means irrelevant ; on the contrary , we must take it very seriously if we are to be able to understand what is going on around us .
24 However she thought that at that stage Miss T. was able to understand what was going on .
25 What , what I would always hope though , is that they might go for some help , because even if they decide to separate , and er get support while they 're doing so , they may be able to understand what was going on in the relationship , what they were looking for in each other .
26 She disliked the sensation of being unable to analyse what was going on , either in her own head or in his , which could possibly produce this … shiver of reaction ?
27 But it 's no good going on to that until you 're really pretty good at this then you should be able to follow what 's going on here .
28 I will be able to bring what is going on here in science back to the children in the classroom , and make them realise that it is not so far away from what they are learning about .
29 I am very pleased to see what is going on in the coming year .
30 Clearly , you need to use the time you have available to consolidate what is going to be in the foreground — what is central to your essay — rather than in mugging up materials which at best can only ever form marginal elements of the final piece of work .
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