Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [that] she had " in BNC.

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1 No one saw her go — they were too busy hollering at one another to notice that she had disappeared .
2 Not willing to admit that she had had the same idea , Sophie said cautiously , ‘ Dawn was n't available to help him with the monkey .
3 Years later , when I met , through Eliot 's sister-in-law , that charming , modest , retiring lady in Brooklyn , I was relieved to find that she had liked what I had written about her .
4 How could she not have known she was in love with him ? she wondered — it seemed impossible to believe that she had looked at him , touched him , made love with him , and not known until yesterday .
5 Part of him would have been sorry to hear that she had been shot , or sentenced to a long term of imprisonment in the filth of an Austrian gaol .
6 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
7 She was much too busy darting glances at Alain and then at Jenna and it was not hard to see that she had detected a certain restraint in the atmosphere .
8 I once heard Dr Starkie lecture , and I 'm glad to report that she had an atrocious French accent ; one of those deliveries full of dame-school confidence and absolutely no ear , swerving between workaday correctness and farcical error , often within the same word .
9 Even more , it was gratifying to know that she had coped and coped well , Lindsey thought as she began to clear away .
10 Ann Butler was unwilling to admit that she had dozed away most of the afternoon by the fire .
11 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
12 ‘ Ladies ’ verse' became a phrase of scorn ; anthologies ceased to include any , readers forgot its existence , and Elizabeth Barrett Browning was able to complain that she had no poetic grandmothers .
13 They would never be able to say that she had accepted their charity .
14 DONATION — Pauline was pleased to report that she had written to the National Westminster Bank Sponsorship and Community Affairs Dept. and received a donation of £500 to the Society .
15 She was shocked to find that she had completely forgotten how to whistle .
16 McLeish , who had understood from Francesca 's report of her lunch that she and her seniors were indeed going to push for assistance , was amused to hear that she had not succeeded in disguising her intentions from Miss Morgan .
17 ‘ I 'll go to Oxford , of course , ’ she said , hoping her tone was convincing enough to conceal that she had no idea what to do once she got there .
18 After a shortened night , Leith got out of bed on Sunday half inclined to believe that she had dreamt the happenings of four o'clock that morning .
19 Even when the results came through and the babies were exchanged in a dramatic midnight meeting , Marie found it difficult to believe that she had been nursing the wrong child .
20 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
21 The court considered it was relevant to discover that she had spent the day drinking more than twelve pints of lager and cider along with two bottles of wine , and had sexual intercourse with a soldier during the afternoon .
22 He was surprised to see that she had lost colour .
23 Her arm was stinging and as she looked down she was surprised to see that she had also grazed the skin there .
24 When she woke up two hours later she was aggrieved to discover that she had spent the evening alone and went to her room to listen to music .
25 Meryl was surprised to find that she had enjoyed the lecture and become thoroughly involved in its subject .
26 I was surprised to find that she had such a rich and violent internal life and that all this was smouldering and seething away .
27 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
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