Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
2 Most private owners discovered the use of a tail and wing-tip dolly a long time ago , making it possible to tow out with a car single-handedly on most days .
3 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
4 It will be necessary to see how far it is possible to go along with a strict criterion-referenced system or what kind of compromises may be worked out if such a system has advantages of motivating pupils and aiding changes in curriculum .
5 It is easier to go along with the false cheerfulness .
6 While West Germany , for example , was willing to go along with the proposal ( but only if there was a joint system of ECSC subsidy financing ) , the net importers of coal within the Six — France , Italy and the Netherlands — were totally hostile to the notion of national contributions to a joint financing policy .
7 Revealing details of Iraq 's latest assurances delivered on March 20 , Rolf Ekeus , head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , told a press conference in New York the same day that his commission was " satisfied there are undertakings that the Iraqis are willing to go along with the destruction [ of ] capabilities " which they had not previously agreed to destroy .
8 Scientists at the Met Office are prepared to go along with the US plan .
9 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
10 But while the Europeans were prepared to go along with an ultimatum to the Serbs that threatened bombing if there were more belligerency , they would not countenance lifting the arms embargo , which they believe would do more harm than good .
11 You know the old adage that , I mean one of the reasons is it 's so much easier to come up with a scandal , to come with a rats in the basement or something like that and intrigue people , than it is to come up with some , the positive angles .
12 The other lad who made a commitment came as a non-believer but was willing to come along with an open mind and on studying the gospels came to believe Jesus was indeed who he said he was and shortly after made his commitment .
13 I want James in the front today because the buggy is easier to tip up with the lightest one in the front .
14 Darlington council 's town twinning officer , Michelle Le Neveu , approached a dairy wholesaler asking if milkmen would be willing to help out with a door to door collection .
15 Some candidates were unhappy about the selection process , claiming the region wanted someone more willing to fit in with the council 's corporate stance , than head a professional service .
16 Some people find it easier to give up with a friend or a group at work .
17 The Roman Catholics were interested that a combination between a Russian refugee , Georges Florovsky , an English high churchman , Michael Ramsey , and a dogmatic Swiss Protestant , Karl Barth , brought the ecumenical movement to an impasse because none of them was prepared to put up with a Protestant federation , and the union of these unlikely allies was too powerful to overcome .
18 Rather like the systems employed by general practitioners , there are advantages and disadvantages to both methods , with patients perhaps preferring the former system and being prepared to put up with a long delay once in the clinic to a worried wait of two or three days .
19 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
20 Bricks , old tiles , new tiles , quarry tiles , Mexican , French or Spanish tiles , ceramic tiles , slate and even marble facing all look spectacular — provided , of course , that you are prepared to put up with the clattering noise from chairs being pulled up to the table and pushed back .
21 people , is not , are not just opting out of marriage , but they 're not prepared to put up with the situation ,
22 Overall what stands out from intercity comparisons such as these is that firstly , London 's difficulties are echoed elsewhere , which is comforting since it is generally easier to put up with a problem if you know that others share it .
23 Concrete must be used within four house of mixing , and it is usually easier to keep up with the latter type , which is laid as it is mixed .
24 As the centre of Paris moved west , masses of workers were evicted from the city centre , some to move along with the new factories to the banlieue .
25 Bobby Robson said : ‘ I spoke to Bryan and he declared himself fit and willing to join up with the party .
26 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
27 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
28 Railway transition curves are usually related to the velocity cubed — a cubic curve is comparatively easy to set out with a theodolite .
29 They may be content to put up with a certain proportion of customer complaints for a given volume of business .
30 The courthouse windows were open but the radiators below them were hot ; it took several hours for any changes in setting to make themselves felt through the massive heating system , and it was impossible to keep up with the irrational temperament of the month .
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