Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All we know is that Nicola was due to meet him at nine o'clock and that he did n't turn up .
2 That had been rather exciting and they were prepared to recount it at considerable length until Narouz intervened and told them to shut up .
3 If there has genuinely been no opportunity for the candidate to find out about practical matters of pay and conditions in advance then it is sensible to discuss them at this stage , and you should have all the necessary details ready .
4 And of course if you 've got any questions in the two days I 'm not just going to er at you all the time you know it 's participation is this so any questions that you have any comments you want to make please feel free to make them at any time it 's not going to throw me .
5 It concentrated instead on living examples of people who were judged highly creative , thereby making it possible to evaluate them at first-hand on objective personality tests or similar assessment procedures .
6 I do not see much to encourage me at all , but this does not worry me for it could be much later when they arrive , after I have left for home .
7 It is so easy to overdo it at first so please be gentle with yourself .
8 Cassie was content to leave it at that .
9 He continued firmly , and Faye relaxed a little , as if half daring to believe him at last .
10 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
11 He believed , and Irina confirmed this , that Marcus had been , though initially hostile , glad to see him at Red Cottage because he was an acquaintance and someone to talk to .
12 I 'm glad to meet him at last . ’
13 Whilst a through understanding of AI is not required they should have a little background since all are likely to meet it at one time or another .
14 Now , five years later , the battles are won ( significant skirmishes remain , but it would be unwise and ungenerous to detail them at this point ) .
15 Having stumped up £250 to help sponsor a general practitioners ' management meeting in Nottingham , the Royal Bank of Scotland saw fit to leave it at that .
16 Once public debate is permitted in the election period it becomes hard to prohibit it at other times .
17 I could have done with it , I could n't get on the bloo they got this internal bus service that runs from each college , cos you have to go to the other colleges for your lectures , and I just sort , there 's not enough , and you , you get turned away , and I just thought , I went for that bus Tuesday morning , I was supposed to get it at eight fifteen , and he just said sorry , no more room .
18 Still , it is good to see him at all , and I suspect his performance in Reflected Glory will linger in the memory …
19 It was cancer of the bowel , though the doctors were slow or unwilling to diagnose it at first .
20 It 's good to meet you at last .
21 Just in case you 're tempted by knockdown prices on old style monitors , by the way , you should bear in mind that in four years time it will actually become illegal to use them at all at work .
22 Nobody except his lawyers and myself know his whereabouts or have an address and it might be as well to leave it at that .
23 Various people were due to address them at various moments , in particular Winston .
24 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
25 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
26 I was able to accommodate him at each time , you follow what I mean .
27 Yeah because I 'm doing second year abnormal from two til three so you might be able to catch me at three
28 ‘ Shall I be able to reach you at 1027 , Westminster Drive ? ’ she asked .
29 No one was able to give us at that time the valuable advice which I only picked up years later , namely that the great danger in cholera was dehydration , necessitating that the sufferer be given frequent drinks of cold water previously boiled .
30 Though this derives from psychological studies of covert actions types , it would be waste to leave it at that .
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