Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 But I have a feeling it might be easier to mull it over at the next meeting .
2 Their meanings will become clear with use , but it is sensible to introduce them briefly at this stage .
3 Jennifer realised that she would have to run for her train if she was to be home in time ; Steven had booked a table at their favourite restaurant and was due to pick her up at 7.30 .
4 As I have to come back to the airport to pick up a member of tonight 's convention it will be easy to drop you off at the same time . ’
5 A sound engineer was supposed to fade them out at the start of the first edition in July '67 , but failed .
6 You 're not going to see this one at your local Bijou nor are you likely to pick it up at the corner video store .
7 You 're not going to see this one at your local Bijou nor are you likely to pick it up at the corner video store .
8 Supposed to pick us up at lunchtime and never turned up .
9 I wondered , when I set off to get it , if my notoriety had been communicated on the jungle drums and if the promised purchase might still elude me , so I was especially glad to have it safely at home .
10 On the 16th , the mighty delta was due to leave her home at Waddington , Lincs , for the Channel Islanders and their Battle of Britain displays .
11 It 's so good to have you here at last .
12 Anyway , he left what should have been my share to Matthew on condition that I was able to lease it back at a nominal rental .
13 With the girl 's clothes we should be able to trace her back at least to the point at which she was dropped during the night — or I hope so , after all that rain .
14 This turned out to be a bonus , because we had to stay overnight in Paris and by good luck , our friends the family Toulagian were in , and happy to put us up at no notice .
15 It is simplest to have it right at the beginning , like P.D .
16 It takes an education of millions to hold them back at
17 It was so difficult to conjure him up at will now , to truly remember what he was like and bring him to life again .
18 He still used to entertain the others with stories of his days as a master criminal and boast that he had n't lost any of his skills , but it was difficult to imagine him back at that game .
19 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
20 The problem about Shakespeare for critics of his mind-set is that to take him seriously at all is to accept an alien agenda .
21 When the Orioles ' designated hitter lifts a three-run homer over the right field fence in the ninth to wrap it up at 9–3 , the resigned Sox faithful begin heading for the exits .
22 I do n't think the boys are too keen to have you around at the moment , and I ca n't say I blame them .
23 ‘ I 'm sorry to bring you here at short notice .
24 ‘ How lovely to see you here at last . ’
25 When I woke up it was with the certainty that I had solved an extremely important problem and was eager to try it out at once .
26 ‘ You know , Hank , the car is very nice indeed , but is it wise to buy it just at present ? ’
27 The amazing ‘ Street of Much Music ’ , with it 's abundance of colourful bars and restaurants is only 10–15 metres away , as is the beach where you can take advantage of your free beach mat and cultivate those tans ready to show them off at some of Kos town 's brilliant night-clubs , also 15 minutes away .
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