Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And while the rewards in terms of job satisfaction have not reached the dizzy heights of the 1980s , Mr Wilson stresses : ‘ You have to have a thick skin and be prepared to stick with it through the bad times as well as the good . ’
2 For example , the Bank of England would hardly have hesitated in the old days to close down a bank like BCCI , knowing that few first-rate domestic institutions were prepared to deal with it in quantity .
3 Although Tory Euro-rebels support the Government in opposing the social chapter , they are prepared to vote for it in the hope of wrecking the whole treaty .
4 It would be very wrong to think of it as an alternative ’ .
5 funny to think of it like that , do n't you think ? ’
6 But it was one thing to tell myself that and another to act on it with any conviction .
7 oh , is that what Mr said , I 'm not stopping you asking this witness at all , I do n't want , you mention the brochures and I do n't want to ask him questions , the kind I want to ask , er , with which they 're not asked by Counsel , I should n't ask at this stage anyway , but by all means ask Mr about it , I just thought Mr said , when I tried , asked him about it , very understandably , Mr the man , cos you are totally free to ask about it of course
8 We would take some convincing that it can be right to depart from it by punishing more harshly than an offender ‘ deserves ’ on a standard tariff , for example by sentencing an offender to an exceptionally long custodial sentence for purposes of reform or incapacitation .
9 They made it respectable to talk about it by linking grants with the proper adoption of equal opportunity policies .
10 If you deviate from it , and it 's terribly easy to deviate from it by rejecting certain thoughts , oh that 's silly , that 's not relevant , that 's too obvious , that 's objectionable , erm , that 's too Freudian , you know , if you say that kind of thing to yourself you get nowhere .
11 Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin .
12 As a piece this was undoubtedly a composed solo , and although on the record quite a few of the phrases were ‘ dropped in ’ , it is obviously possible to play through it in one pass .
13 In the cool light of this brighter day it was hard to conceive of it as a visitation of demons .
14 Making a will with a solicitor also has the advantage of that you 'll have a copy , he 's likely to look after it for you if you want him to .
15 Though she was passing through what has been called her first industrial revolution , there was as yet little to show for it in the landscape .
16 If this is to be the structure , it is good to go with it from the outset : once groups are established and running , you may find it difficult for group members to ‘ own ’ such a threatening idea !
17 Well I think it 's not helpful to look at it with such stark divisions , I think everybody 's clear
18 Well I just think it 's not helpful to look at it in those terms , you do n't actually , if you pick
19 Then she followed her father back towards the flock , where the sheep at the rear , desperate at the sight of hay ahead and too stupid to look for it from any source except the one they all sought , were scrambling on to each other 's backs in panic .
20 Even if you know that the answer can wait until the next day it is far better to deal with it at once .
21 You can think about it and it 's very useful to think about it as a as a distance measure in a sense .
22 It 's more useful to think of it as a way of giving coherence and focus to the work of small groups .
23 He found it almost repulsive to think of it in there , kicking at the walls ; but it roused him sexually as well .
24 Well at least she 'll be able to sit with it on her lap aha I like it
25 ( Someone suffering property damage not exceeding £275 may , of course , be able to claim for it in negligence or under the implied terms in the Sale of Goods Act ) .
26 He once remarked that good prose is like a window-pane , meaning that you ought to be able to see through it without seeing it ; and anyone who has ever tried to write prose like that , or to see human creatures in life or fiction like Waugh 's early fictional characters , will know how much clutter of mind and words needs first to be cleared away .
27 The cause was a common one and as old as the hills , but I was unable to talk about it for years .
28 ‘ If I start gassing about it to the local vet , ’ she said , ‘ it 'll get all stale and distorted , and I shall be so bored with it I sha n't be able to talk about it at all . ’
29 Have to be able to talk about it to the owners tonight .
30 I try any watch the production at some time during the week in order to be able to talk about it to the Press .
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