Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Without a crystal ball , it 's almost impossible to say which it will be , but we can offered some informed opinions .
2 England captain David Platt says the whole team is eager for the game , but admits : ‘ It seems weird , it 's hard to imagine what it will be like with a roof .
3 Returning to Cyprus on 16 February , Coleman engineered another meeting with Hurley and told him Condor would be glad to do what it could to help .
4 ( In exactly the same way , congenitally blind people can understand the physics of vision , but are unable to conceive what it would be like to experience seeing , for example , different colours .
5 Nobody in Kufra had ever owned a factory , but many were able to imagine what it would be like to find that the workers had become partners .
6 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
7 If you know they have always enjoyed close companionship until they finally had to live alone , it is not difficult to imagine what it must be like for them to have no one to share their life with any longer , and no hand to hold as their step becomes less sure .
8 For Gandhi , particular religions are necessary to convey what it might mean to speak of the one , true and perfect Religion which is beyond predication and not realized within finite existence .
9 ‘ In fact , ’ fluttered Miss Harker , ‘ considering everything you have told me … which I am quite sure you believe to be true even though I am sorry to tell you it can not be …
10 Delors ' proposals were clearly out of all proportion to that figure , and he was soon obliged to retreat with a lame explanation that he had been ‘ arguing from the absurd to show what it would cost to achieve such a goal ’ .
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