Example sentences of "[adj] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , I 'm as closely related to them as my mother is , if you think about it , because I share half my genes with my four siblings and my mother shares half her genes with my four siblings .
2 ‘ If Father agreed , I 'd spend half my time with you .
3 I put half my doughnut in my mouth in one gulp , mulched it and swallowed it down .
4 I knew I did — and put off half my future for her .
5 There I learned half my science from my teachers and the rest form George Gamow 's splendid Mr Tompkins books .
6 This my spell on you is laid :
7 This my spell on you is laid :
8 This my spell on you is laid : you 'll be always too afraid …
9 Do thou help this my journey with thy prayer .
10 As I think on this my anger at his death is less , though my grief can not be .
11 ‘ I knew if I was n't careful my obsession for her could destroy me .
12 Even as she tried to evade him , he was drawing her closer , making the blood sing in her veins as he smiled down at her , the hypnotic blue eyes half shuttered but still as powerful , as he raised a firm hand to the back of her head , guiding her face towards his own , his mouth seeking the trembling softness of hers , hard and demanding as it reached its goal , yet instantly becoming as gentle and manipulative as it had been when he had coaxed the throbbing melody from the borrowed trumpet .
13 For it is the vast number of differing denominations within those religions , each with its own interpretation of the teachings of its ‘ god ’ or chief philosopher , and each thus guiding its adherents along its own course of action , almost invariably in conflict with another , which has again and again sown the seeds of dissension and ultimately of war .
14 The Nikkei average has lost more than half its value since its 1989 peak .
15 In fact , I 'm as closely related to them as my mother is , if you think about it , because I share half my genes with my four siblings and my mother shares half her genes with my four siblings .
16 I knew she did — and gave up half her past for me .
17 One of her greatest supporters and confidants tells me : ‘ She did get half her power from her husband and without him she is going to have to work twice as hard .
18 So you 'll ha she 'll have to get this her supplies in her provisions .
19 Peg sat rigid her basket on her lap , knitting forgotten , keeping in check the smouldering anger inside her .
20 She was amazed to realise now just how detailed her dream of him had been and annoyed that he could make her feel so uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to last night .
21 Later in 1802 on the way to France , ‘ Dear God ! ’ , in the penultimate line of the Sonnet : Composed upon Westminster Bridge , may be an exclamation , but in August 1802 his blessing on his daughter Caroline is undoubtedly surrounded by Christian references .
22 Her fingers wound into his hair , guiding his head to her neck .
23 When his mouth moved to caress her breasts she moaned with pleasure , guiding his head towards her stomach .
24 If someone 's done half your work for you you 're going to react in a different way .
25 ‘ Sell me your daughter , Li Lu , ’ he cried when he reached the house , ‘ and I will release you from half your debt to me . ’
26 My mother 's home was an ordinary set up and every holiday we spent half our holiday with our mother so we were in an environment of relative normality for much of our time . ’
27 I had got hold of the suitcase and with the other hand I unclasped her fingers from my hair .
28 Reluctantly Sabine unclasped her arms from his neck .
29 The stories of the suburb , the tales that gave number 24 , 59 , 3031 or 47 their right to their homes , these were , in their way , as substantial as the creation myths of the Eskimos .
30 Since those engaging in a procession were using the highway for its primary purpose of passing and repassing , 7 their use of it was prima facie a protected one .
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