Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] have [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It will also face the fact that those who lose least may have to compensate those who lose most , if free riding is to be checked .
2 That must have taken some delicate handling , to get a man at the very top in that secret society . ’
3 When he looked at the tremendous penalty borne by the aircraft in regard to the armour plating carried , the first thing to go was a huge ½″ thick slab that could have graced Fort Knox , but which protected the W/Op and the cabin crew , and that must have weighed several hundred pounds .
4 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
5 The clumps and individual Lees we see today may only have been planted in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries as part of the general landscape revival , on the apparent whim of an individual farmer , but some clumps may have survived better than others because the energies were right , and this may have enabled some of them to have had a continued existence from more distant times .
6 This may have prevented some children of artisans falling into poverty as a result of the decline of skilled occupations , but it did little for the lowest stratum who were always the most vulnerable to severe poverty .
7 They lived the lives of the folk among whom they worked ; and this may have helped many of them to make real contact with their parishioners .
8 It was argued that this should have maximised any lateral eye movement asymmetry .
9 And that to him seems to be the answer to a problem which at sometime or another must have exercised most of use , and which he explains in the pamphlet which accompanies the display ; ‘ The art gallery , that supposed refuge and den of tranquility , I find a troubled place .
10 This might have implied some degree of interconnection and co-ordination between the various sectors , but unfortunately this is not the situation .
11 By changing the adjective discreet into an adverb , this would have lost some of the force of the original , which attributes the behavioural quality of discretion metonymically to the door , an inanimate object which can not , in literal actuality , possess it .
12 This would have brought more people out into the corridors and foyers .
13 This would have avoided all discussion of the succession .
14 This would have benefited some of the smaller parties in East Germany , such as the PDS and the German Social Union ( DSU — the small East German equivalent of the Bavarian Christian Social Union — CSU ) , since they would not have had to surmount the 5 per cent hurdle required under the West German system to gain representation .
15 This would have preempted any Russian protest .
16 To have eaten at a time like this would have seemed all wrong .
17 This would have left many people with worthless claims against insolvent companies .
18 Even this would have demanded more water than could be afforded .
19 To overcome and penetrate this formidable barrier , the British would have to devise some new tactic .
20 France sits on the board of the two West African central banks which manage the CFA currency , and the French would have to approve any decision by the 13 member states to devalue .
21 a reasonable profit but some would have made more than others .
22 The Lord chancellor 's proposals , contained in Regulations due to come into effect on 12th April , would potentially affect about 12–14 million adults : some would cease to be eligible for legal aid ; some would have to pay much more than at present ; and some would be required to pay a contribution for the first time .
23 He has been accused of indulging in fallacious argument , l of selecting data and omitting sources , and he has allegedly ignored the great accumulation of new studies in the 1970s and 1980s that might have refuted some of his arguments .
24 Had anything happened around two years before that might have caused all this ?
25 Mrs Quinton closed her eyes for a moment as if recalling her cousin relating this girl 's history , which had not included the scissors ' business with Sister Mary as being the reason for her leaving because that might have put any caring mother off from engaging such a virago .
26 That might have attracted more women and young readers — but by taking them partly from the Mirror .
27 Jenner wondered if the unanaesthetised de-clawing may have had some effect on this , and he offered the theory that an alternative source of pain might cause a distraction from the tail-crushing effects of caudate stimulation .
28 Roxburgh 's observation that high expectation can be dangerous might have carried more weight were it not for the fact that nobody appears to have a loftier opinion of Ferguson than the 21-year-old himself .
29 Richard III would have had some sympathy for the frustrations of the Afghan guerrillas in their fight for Jalalabad .
30 The few references and scraps of information we have about the very early recruits suggests that these may have included more girls of middle-class origin and certainly some from orphanages and boarding-schools — girls sometimes from middle-class families fallen on hard times .
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