Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] say [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Officials from the fifth chemical weapons inspection team [ see p. 38548 ] , which completed its mission on Nov. 5 , were reported on Nov. 12 as saying that they had found Scud missiles fitted with crudely made chemical warheads .
2 He gave her a cynical look , as much as to say that he only half believed her .
3 That glow was swiftly dampened , however , as she realised that in one and the same breath he was as good as saying that he was aware of Lubor Ondrus 's propensity to flirt with any female who was a quarter way pretty .
4 No formal time limit appeared to have been set on the US military presence , although Bush was reported on Dec. 4 as saying that he wanted the troops out by Jan. 20 , 1993 , when he was due to leave office .
5 When the 10-year defence agreement was initialled on Sept. 4 , a US Defence Department spokesman was quoted in the Washington Post of Sept. 6 as saying that it did " not in any way open the door for permanent military bases in Kuwait " .
6 My last migraine of any consequence was over four months ago , but I would not be so brash as to say that I have been cured .
7 Malcolm Toon , a special US envoy inquiring into US prisoners of war still held in the former Soviet Union , was quoted on July 1 as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate the claims made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin in June [ see p. 38986 ] .
8 David Dorn , a nuclear physicist working for the Commission , was quoted in New York on Jan. 15 as saying that it was possible that Iraq possessed enough components for up to 10,000 gas centrifuges .
9 ‘ Your reasoning ’ , he says , ‘ is the same as saying that we can get a rose through planting a noxious weed …
10 ( Saying that two sentences can have matching assent/dissent conditions is the same as saying that they can be stimulus-synonymous . )
11 Note : Saying that an operator is reversible is not the same as saying that it is an invertible function on the set of states .
12 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
13 ‘ I 'm not really inclined to do a post-mortem on ‘ Provision ’ , other than to say that I acknowledge that it was less successful and less fun than the previous album , ’ he says in a most matter-of-fact voice .
14 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
15 wilko knows about tore but leeds has shown no interest in him other than saying that they know about this player .
16 Sir John died seven years ago , but in all that time Lavinia has not increased Benedict 's allowance , as she might well have done , nor made any provision for his accommodation , other than saying that he might live at Merchiston Lodge if he chose . ’
17 This was not strictly true , but it was certainly more true than saying that he was gay .
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