Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] up of the " in BNC.

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1 If you consistently — and by that I mean once or twice daily — follow this waist plan you will feel and see a definite toning up of the whole line .
2 Tithonus creates a sense of emotional anguish by Tennyson 's use of inversion between lines five and six , ‘ Me only cruel immortality/consumes ’ : This breaking up of the main image of the poem suggests that Tithonus has been captured by immortality .
3 They spurn any subjective dressing up of the naked data .
4 However , even those murders in real life that rise above the simple snatching up of the kitchen knife in the middle of a husband and wife row are much , much less cunningly contrived than that .
5 Lancing 's master-in-charge , John Wilks , described the scoreline as ‘ a perfect summing up of the match — dull ’ .
6 A rapid tidying up of the encampment was carried out .
7 The most famous teaming up of the two brothers was in 1973 , with the chart single Frankenstein , a testimony to Johnny 's ability to adapt to a variety of different styles , an ability , in fact , which he insists was born out of necessity …
8 The Marquess of Salisbury had become Prime Minister in 1895 , and in 1889 his government introduced death duties which were to lead to the gradual breaking up of the wealthy estates , which previously had passed from father to son — or some other relative — without any loss .
9 This has resulted in the gradual piling up of the Himalayas .
10 Indeed today in the High Court a petition is being presented for the compulsory winding up of the company .
11 I was interested to read Susanna Rance 's Letter from La Paz ( Resistance in a ghost town NI 197 ) in which she seemed to be be-moaning the closure of the Catavi and Siglo XX mines in Bolivia and the consequent breaking up of the communities there .
12 THE Japanese government 's successful propping up of the Tokyo stockmarket has been widely applauded , not least by officials themselves .
13 What is more , any forecast about the way in which industry will develop within the United Kingdom and the European Community in the remainder of this century suggests that national prosperity will depend to an increasing extent on the successful skilling up of the national work force to meet the new demands that will be made by industry , technology , the professions and academia .
14 ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ just as he resented gifts he resented any dredging up of the past .
15 ‘ Those extensive powers are conferred upon the court for the beneficial winding up of the company , for sometimes it happens that the liquidator is unable to obtain from unwilling persons the information which he requires .
16 These powers are : ( i ) to make any compromise with creditors or persons claiming to be creditors ; ( ii ) to bring or defend proceedings ; ( iii ) to carry on the business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the estate ; ( iv ) to accept payment in the future on the sale of any property comprised in the estate .
17 These weeks provide a very enjoyable rounding up of the year 's work , a chance to sample some new outdoor pursuits and a valuable lesson in community living .
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