Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We were all looking for some direction in our lives and they gave us that direction .
2 probably yeah , they 've gone outside though Ah I was gon na say to you if you get us all going on some aerobics
3 Oh yes yes er I should say that er Street er Street then you get into Palfrey now you see Palfrey was a little bit less due to the fact that there were a hell of a lot of railway men at work down there , I mean really all belonging to some department on the railway , you get er drivers and all the men and the permanent way of being in Street I mean a lot of people from Palfrey lived down lived in Palfrey was working in the permanent way in Street , so it was a really , Palfrey you could say was a railway community .
4 ‘ I never seen anybody come back for a second dose of the blue , ’ said a man behind her , for all the world as though he were safe reminiscing in some bar of his old age .
5 Philip 's project is both a search for the truth and an act of self-distortion , a ‘ sane insanity , that wilful entering into some reality other than one 's own , by way of learning , searching , inventing , dreaming and becoming ’ ( 40 ) .
6 Then not long after , we were both walking under some scaffolding — she was already under it and out of view — when a workman whistled , so I knew it was for me , not her .
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