Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 If you consistently — and by that I mean once or twice daily — follow this waist plan you will feel and see a definite toning up of the whole line .
2 This narrowing down of the focus of the original control theory seems to constitute a switch of attention from offenders to situations .
3 So this damping down of the sensory input when attention moves elsewhere can occur very early in the pathway from the sense organ to the brain .
4 Tithonus creates a sense of emotional anguish by Tennyson 's use of inversion between lines five and six , ‘ Me only cruel immortality/consumes ’ : This breaking up of the main image of the poem suggests that Tithonus has been captured by immortality .
5 This breaking down of the large molecules to smaller ones is the job of enzymes .
6 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
7 This whittling down of the 33% ( June ) or 30% ( November ) of pupils absent to a very small percentage seen as truants has implications for dealing with the problem of truancy .
8 This handing over of the Conservative party , in Denis Healey 's phrase , ‘ from the estate owners to the estate agents ’ , has been a process upper class Tories have watched with distaste .
9 That is , to the extent that the responses were the result of critical reflection they clearly show that left policies were lacking in credibility and attractiveness , yet insofar as the responses represented an uncritical carrying over of the ‘ media ’ line this would seem to suggest that the concerns of the left failed to strike the masses as of immediate practical importance ; the left policies can not have appeared to meet the practical needs of the working class , or else the Labour identifiers polled would not have been content to reiterate the media line with regard to those policies .
10 Its precise effect on the allocation of investment resources would depend on the detailed working out of the disciplines , and the Treasury certainly took no chances on a complete return to the free market in investment capital .
11 They spurn any subjective dressing up of the naked data .
12 However , even those murders in real life that rise above the simple snatching up of the kitchen knife in the middle of a husband and wife row are much , much less cunningly contrived than that .
13 ‘ Sharing is n't attractive any more to us , ’ Bromley says , a verbal throwing in of the towel .
14 Lancing 's master-in-charge , John Wilks , described the scoreline as ‘ a perfect summing up of the match — dull ’ .
15 I was invigorated and felt seven feet tall going out of the church .
16 I think that is a lot of infection about and I know what brought on my cold , it was going out with Mark to Lathenham , and instead of wearing my anorak I only wore my lambs wool throw over , and I got jolly chilled coming out of the car and going into Lathenham church .
17 A rapid tidying up of the encampment was carried out .
18 We should make no mistake about the political nature of these developments , but a horrified throwing in of the towel is no response on the part of those who would manage the service in the interests of pupils .
19 The most famous teaming up of the two brothers was in 1973 , with the chart single Frankenstein , a testimony to Johnny 's ability to adapt to a variety of different styles , an ability , in fact , which he insists was born out of necessity …
20 Cormack waited until they were all clambering out of the cars inside the boat , dragging jackets and bags .
21 The gradual phasing out of the married woman 's option has been accompanied by the introduction of credits towards the basic state pension for those who are out of the labour market because of home responsibilities .
22 The Marquess of Salisbury had become Prime Minister in 1895 , and in 1889 his government introduced death duties which were to lead to the gradual breaking up of the wealthy estates , which previously had passed from father to son — or some other relative — without any loss .
23 This has resulted in the gradual piling up of the Himalayas .
24 He watched the slim body of Samantha dive into the pool and thought that by the time she came of an age for love he would no doubt be drifting round eternity in the unwelcome company of his wife with all rogering out of the question .
25 If you have too many coming out of the oven at the same time , some will set too hard while the others are being rolled up .
26 ‘ The queers are all coming out of the closet after last year 's legislation , ’ Adam said .
27 At least three distinct developments , all flowing out of the Enlightenment , contributed to this .
28 Finding candidates to sit on the panels would not be a problem , not least among those moving out of the auditing profession itself .
29 Similarly behind the ebb and flow of wars , regime changes and sporadic technological advances , Marx and Engels emphasized the ever-present working out of the dialectic in history , following the predetermined sequence of modes of production .
30 Had the laundries been at the Riviera end all the detritus from the other businesses , the discarded vegetables and smashed fruit of the greengrocers , the scales and fish heads and guts deposited on the street by the two fishmongers , would have passed by and probably soiled some of the clothes as the intermittent hosing down of the street caused all this muck and filth to edge its way slowly down towards the Bay .
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