Example sentences of "[adj] [num] [noun pl] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not for another two decades was his great work finished , and then only because a local artist , Bramantino , used his own cash to do it , believing the work to be a masterpiece .
2 ‘ A mere three dimensions is nothing .
3 I think what you have to remember is that these three sheets er are in fact , well w what we have to remember is that the business manager is an internal client , and that these three sheets are something to him , or to her , to type to form the appointment contract , so therefore let's get it right .
4 Right these are ninety three prices are they ?
5 If the previous five markets are anything to go by , works will be grabbed from the walls and plinths while organisers rush to replace them with other works .
6 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
7 ‘ The longevity of these two companies is something that makes us special , ’ says Anderson .
8 ‘ I am the captain of that ship , ’ he said , ‘ and these two men are my first and second officers .
9 ‘ Then those three women were his mythagos , too , therefore himself , bringing images and talents from the primitive age in which he had become lost .
10 But those three months are something Leslie will always be thankful for as it was in France that they diagnosed the toxoplasmosis so early .
11 At eighty five now , all done at eighty five pounds , all done on my right and I 'll sell at eighty five pounds is there 's no further bids at eighty five pounds .
12 But I think we 're seeing something in the Forest side we have n't see for what twelve fourteen years are we .
13 Five thousand francs was what my friend suggested . ’
14 If the first ten years are anything to go by , they are well on the way to their target .
15 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
16 Companies House raised no objections ; the first two words were his own name and the other two words of the title described his business .
17 What was it erm six hours twenty eight minutes was it ?
18 Twenty five dollars is it about what fifteen pound , sixteen pounds ?
19 Eight hundred pounds are you all done then at eight hundred and fifty , nine hundred at nine hundred pounds with me still , are you all done at nine hundred pounds ?
20 Thirty thousand pounds is nothing for someone 's life .
21 About two thousand miles is it ?
22 Three hundred and fifty pounds , three eighty , four hundred at four hundred pounds are you all done at four hundred ?
23 ‘ Sure two hundred pounds is nothing to you . ‘
24 Eubank , who is preparing for his defence against American Ron Essett at Manchester 's G-Mex Centre on April 25 , said : ‘ Two million pounds is my price and I am not open to negotiation . ’
25 Because there was nothing left any more for him to care about , and if his attitude over the past forty-eight bours was anything to go by , he was keeping it that way .
26 Fishpool with a collaborative summer production for the last three years is their way of coming home to work .
27 The next three shops was which was a er he become I think in the finish but it was a toy shop and then you came to er the fruiters , on the other side of Street , and you came down to er little pawnshop .
28 Could it be that the bloody human history of the past 5,000 years is nothing more than an evolutionary side-road ?
29 That may not be too far off if the progress of the last 50 years is anything to go by .
30 I mean he 's not gon na sort of get up and go within the next twelve months is he ?
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