Example sentences of "[adj] [num] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 AGASSI … avoids top eight player until quarter-finals
2 Presidency States won Electoral votes Popular vote** % Clinton ( Dem. ) *32 370 43,728,375 43 Bush ( Rep. ) 18 168 38,167,416 38 Perot ( Ind. ) 0 0 19,237,247 19 Senate *** Seats won Winning incumbents Seats in new Congress Seats after 1990 election Democrats 21 13 57 57 Republicans 15 10 43 43 House of Representatives Seats won Winning incumbents Seats won in 1990 Democrats 259 195 267 Republicans 175 129 167 Independents 1 1 1
3 Charles , a solid top 10 performer for years , this time lies in sixth position and another name with royal links , William , comes third .
4 A quick survey was made of the various functions in the 1993 -93 calendar of events and some allocated to different members of committee .
5 I invariably choose it when I 'm on the Radio 1 My Top Ten sort of things .
6 Hoomey , having learnt to steer his bus at a steady canter round the railway cinder track and clear two foot of sleepers on each circuit , now found himself with quarter of a mile of galloping grass and a hedgerow at the end of it reinforced with a telegraph pole .
7 This 1989 survey of pieces from Soviet newspapers and journals provides a fascinating view of Soviet society
8 Three and a half million head of cattle were moved to the great stock yards by rail each year , together with 8 million hogs and 5 million sheep .
9 Furthermore , this 1937 reference to bonds is the last on the subject until 1955 .
10 Just saw a little lad going off to school , carrying half hundred weight of books !
11 The top 20 p.c. of earners who Mr Smith says it is fair to tax more heavily — middle-managers , professionals and skilled workers-provide 40 p.c. of all income tax and the top 5 p.c. contribute 35 p.c .
12 However , the SPD ( which was to decide in mid-November on whether to support amendment of the Basic Law as proposed in August 1992 — see p. 39066 ) boycotted the vote and the motion thus failed to win the required two-thirds majority of members .
13 This was the long haired girls ' compromise but it became very common early 70s style for girls & for boys .
14 Anyway , we won despite my failing to add to my vast 1992 tally of wickets .
15 But neither the second 1871 recommendation regarding widows , nor the order respecting deserted wives were generally implemented , as outdoor relief was found to be cheaper than taking children into the workhouse .
16 Colleagues we now turn to the Public Services Debate and in this particular debate propose to call composite twelve Transfer of Undertakings E C Acquired Rights Directive , motion two nine four Compulsory Competitive Tendering , motion two nine five Local Government Severance Schemes , composite thirteen Cuts in Council Services , motion two nine eight Local Authority Wage Restraint , motion two nine nine Pay Policies , motion three O two Protection for Residential Workers and emergency motion one the Crawley Dispute .
17 Erm , the executive are accepting all these motions but on a couple of them want to put in a speaker with a statement and er after twenty one will to put that statement to the C E C. I now call composite twenty abolition of Wages Councils South Western Region to move , G M B Scotland to second .
18 Le Pen was on May 23 ordered by a civil court to pay a nominal 1 franc in damages for having stated in a September 1987 radio interview that the gas chambers were " a mere detail " in the history of the Second World War [ see p. 35522 ] .
19 So , the underlying performance , in fact , accounted for only forty million out of the fifty three million reduction in profits .
20 members are recommended that they approve these two course of actions , thank you very much .
21 Yes I mean issue with illegitimate children or his affair means that I mean even the line he was running is okay because I 'm rich so it 's not gon na and it 's not gon na and so he 's got these two sort of values , that if you are a single parent and you 're poor that makes you lesser and more immoral than if you were a single parent and you 're rich .
22 Well , in nineteen eighty four , they gave out four seven five in prize money , and three hundred pound in donations .
23 Table 3. 2 Percentage of graduates in 30 subject categories proceeding to further academic study , 1987
24 Yorkshire was quite a success this year , we made a lot of money o on the income side er sixty two pound for entries ninety one pound ten for refreshments hundred and nine forty for the raffle , our kind and thanks to Bert
25 The Government would continue footing the 46 million upkeep of palaces , the Queen 's Flight and Royal Yacht .
26 But he 's still mainly known either for having had Grace in his face a few years back , or as the third meatboy in line after Stallone and Scharzenegger ; one of that strange Eighties breed of actors who can manage all kinds of complicated weapons , but have trouble with lines of dialogue longer than ten words .
27 Chamber of the People Party/group Percentage Seats Civic Forum/PAV 46.6 87 CPCz 13.6 23 CDU/CDM 12.0 20 MSD-SMS 5.4 9 Slovak National Party 3.5 6 Coexistence 2.8 5 Others 16.1 0 Chamber of Nations Civic Forum/PAV 45.9 83 CPCz 13.7 24 CDU/CDM 11.3 20 Slovak National Party 3.6 9 MSD-SMS 6.2 7 Coexistence 2.7 7 Others 16.6 0
28 Yesterday we took out I think it was erm seven million plus a little bit out of that additional service provision , so we have put in thirty two million since its nineteen eighty five base in services throughout all departments .
29 Treloar defeated Hammer in an earlier round and , in the final , they inflicted a heavy 184–87 defeat on Eagles .
30 But I think that to allow those two sort of issues to get too inseparable , as it were , to so that we simply regard ourselves as being in a position to issue directives about behaviour , which do n't acknowledge that these are young people who have to learn to be autonomous , then we get ourselves onto a hiding for nothing .
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