Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You can see them beginning so far out … you see them lowly grow as they come nearer and nearer to the shore , rise and then thrash themselves against the beach .
2 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
3 2 Imagine that you have been provisionally asked to translate John Le Carré 's The Russia House ( 1989 ) into your target language .
4 Peering into the tank using a strong eye-glass I could only see a few fry and I mean a few .
5 Some find that they get better treated in there than they do outside , but for the others it 's just rubbish .
6 Some find that they do slow down somewhat , and this is no bad thing — after all , what is the point of continuing to play a game of ‘ Beat the Clock ’ from morning till night ?
7 The British believe that they have a genius for constitutional government with a minimum of constitutional laws , and for working majority rule without oppression of minorities .
8 Some argue that we do not have enough proof of danger to justify stricter controls on dumping or to warrant the extra expenditure involved .
9 It 's a much more exciting and lively place and more relaxed than you could ever possible imagine if you read certain tabloid newspapers . ’
10 You do not belong here , Holly , not amongst these scum that you sleep with , not in those rags , not in a place like this camp .
11 The food , and the mud on our wellingtons , and sometimes the faint tang of cordite coming up from the cellar all give me a good , tight , thrilling feel when I think about them .
12 You all insist that I know nothing but nobody else can do this .
13 It talks about the heathen being astounded and being envious and jealous because they are going to see peace and harmony and happiness and this is what we are looking forward to this is why we 're not mourning , why we 're not you know all upset because we know this is going to come .
14 It makes me all upset when I think about them .
15 It was all smell and I do n't know what it was !
16 Jews in another , and then the blacks , and you just think what a shame , if they all mix and you feel like , when I was in erm , working in North London , you had the Turkish and the Jewish people
17 Maybe they know summat cos they all look like they know where they 're going .
18 All matter that we know is composed of atoms .
19 Our next priority like er , Labour says like a the different degrees is er the primary schools er many of which as we all know that we 've been struggling and to cope with inadequate budgets .
20 We all know that we have yet again a busy and exciting year in front of us .
21 We all know that we exist in three dimensions — our bodies occupy a certain volume , and we can move it from one place to another .
22 But without rationalisation Chairman we will not be able to extend those services that we all know that we want to assist people to stay in their own homes .
23 We all know that we feel better after a few days in the mountains but why is this ?
24 You all know that you have an area/county representative who acts as your direct link with the Executive Committee through Betty Syrett , the teachers ' representative on the committee .
25 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
26 They made a four all draw and I think they 've still got the video now on television of the match .
27 Yet the evidence from their earliest word uses , their requests for the names of things , and their repairs to their own utterances , all indicate that they opt for Conventionality as they begin to use their first language .
28 And you and all Shag if you want some .
29 The top five percent will go for that , I hope you wo n't , you 're not five percent , but some of you , you 're all find where you want to be , is n't it , where you want to see yourself .
30 Common cause has been established between all the charge-capped authorities , they all believe that they 've been unfairly treated , and they 've all agreed to pursue a common search for remedies to the plight in which they find themselves .
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