Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some seem flower-like yet when you touch them they have the incongruous scratch of stone .
2 A third add a sixth put three add six down and then maybe
3 Like the makhilas or elaborately worked sticks made of medlar , with a sharp goad concealed in the handle ; these look decorative enough but they were weapons before they became art forms and Basque men always carried them when they went to markets or cattle fairs and often fought with them .
4 But then why would Mao in nineteen forty five say that how that they 'd made a major concession to land to the tiller but that this is a correct one and they 're going to , that land reform has to be taken in stages and they 're going to first of all reduce rent and , I mean er
5 This is why it is better to see a doctor when you first feel unwell rather than wait until it is so bad that you have to go to hospital .
6 Firstly , do the findings of the Black report relating to the period up to and including 1983 remain unchanged now that more comprehensive data sets and analyses are available ?
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