Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] in the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 There , in the back of the journal , were the breeding charts-a dozen complex genetic patterns , each drawn in the tiniest of hands , one to a double page ; each named and dated , Ben 's own amongst them .
2 But , as usual , it 's all done in the best possible taste …
3 But the kissing and romping brought some embarrassed sniggers from the audience even though it was all done in the best possible taste .
4 If the statute is later than about 1968 it will be found in the Continuation Volumes , which are all indexed in the latest Cumulative Supplement .
5 The necessary changes involved a number of definitions in the Regulations being brought into line with those contained in the latest ( 6th Edition ) of Annex 13 .
6 Boomerangs were known in the south of India , and many of the mythological themes of the Australian natives relate to those found in the oldest known sources of Central Asia .
7 On the same day the Sri Lankan army claimed to have killed 50 guerrillas of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE ) , bringing to over 600 the total number of those killed in the latest military offensive under way since mid-March in the north around Mullaittivu and Mannar .
8 Every year , on average , the last speaker of yet another Australian language dies and a unique intellectual instrument passes from use as a living language , at best recorded in the barest outline .
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