Example sentences of "[adj] [det] [conj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the way she was talking it looked like they were gon they were going to put some more and invest some time , money
2 Divide the children up into teams of about five or six each and call each team an animal .
3 In these areas Gloucester 's appointment in 1480 as the king 's lieutenant in the north did not do much more than recognize existing realities .
4 In these areas Gloucester 's appointment in 1480 as the king 's lieutenant in the north did not do much more than recognize existing realities .
5 Despite allaying concerns felt by some teachers , the adviser did not play down the accountability purpose to the exercise , nor was the self-appraisal presented as much more than providing factual information and describing their policy and practice .
6 It seems that the teacher can not do much more than demonstrate applied knowledge and nursing skills , applied personal resources , and the skills required in modifying and adapting a variety of procedures to meet particular contingencies .
7 I 've been doing all this that looks nice yes ?
8 By the time you get all this and counting all the years , by the time you 'll be able to afford it !
9 I 've got ta listen back to all this and write all your names down .
10 I 'm now on Valium to get me through all this and feel desperate with worry about how I 'll manage alone .
11 All this and disarming natural beauty , as well .
12 The Woburn order included dwarf plums and cherries , French pears , an Elruge nectarine , and other fruit , with more young trees ‘ to make good those that died last year ’ in accordance with Gurle 's guarantee to supply ‘ the best of every sort in case any fail or die ’ .
13 That more than matched last year 's total which , considering the unseasonally wet weather this July , delighted the crew .
14 Whole books have been devoted to the topic of sensitivity analysis in linear programming , and in one chapter we can do little more than indicate basic themes .
15 My dearest friend , As yet I can do little more than write comfortable letters containing matter of fact and ordinary news .
16 THE ART of bluffing your way in the classic car game is a simply learned one , and consists of little more than memorising one derogatory generalisation about each make of car .
17 Under these circumstances , [ the college ] can aim to do little more than build some confidence in a student …
18 For example , it would appear that substituting in a simple formula expressed in words is too difficult for lower attainers , although superficially it seems to require little more than following simple instructions .
19 Until special colour charts or reference sample scales become available , CL operators can do little more than ensure internal consistency , or attempt to construct a system for quantification of CL intensity and wavelength .
20 so those few that entered most of them got prizes and it was three police forces that entered and they all got awards .
21 But this still leaves room to borrow £8 billion more in March before reaching the Chancellor 's latest PSBR estimate of £35 billion , which , in turn , is £2 billion less than predicted last November .
22 2:11 , 16 ) and positively that they should recognise that they belong to one another and take active steps to welcome and support one another ( Rom. 15:7 ) .
23 Obviously members of the same species can live in harmony together and this is made possible by the chemical messages which pass between coelenterates to allow individual coral polyps in a colony to recognise and avoid stinging one another and to signal that other neighbouring colonies of the same species are not a threat .
24 The diagram below is presented as a building structure designed to show us how God 's priorities build on one another and support each other .
25 Repeated instances are encountered of boys and girls displaying their genitals to one another and examining each other 's sexual parts .
26 ‘ All over the world today children are starving , men and women are being cruel to one another and killing one another .
27 But this steadily dissolved as we shared ideas , asked questions of one another and gave each other leads .
28 You can also use it to see how cells are related to one another and to discover circular references .
29 In these and other books of the same kind the central characters strongly resemble one another and fulfil similar roles in the action as examples of young people learning by experience — and , for the most part , experience of an unexpected and dangerous kind .
30 Dong and Hoc ran panting along the adjacent ranks allotted to them , calling out frequently to encourage one another and to check each other 's progress .
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