Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bilalian ’ replaced ‘ Muslim ’ ( Bilal was an Ethiopian thought to be the first black follower of the prophet Muhammad ) .
2 The new dietary proved to be an improvement although the youngest children were still wasting a great deal of the milk porridge , and alternation of a diet with tea and bread-and-butter was advised , similar to that given to children over the age of nine .
3 He accused the Chancellor of forcing the lowly paid to be the ‘ scapegoats ’ of his economic failures .
4 Election ‘ 92 : Old-style Corinthian destined to be a key player
5 And it is very much intended to be an educational experience for people as well as fun .
6 That 's that used to be the part there that 's gone big there , was sailors .
7 Later , as Mr Bagley , at 21 thought to be the youngest scheduled service pilot in the country , prepared finally to take off with the delayed passengers , he was playing down the incident .
8 In addition to Benghazi , a series of raids on the airfields in the vicinity had been planned , but these proved to be a disappointment .
9 These proved to be the isolated buccaneer haunts we were looking for , and the hidden source of most of the nation 's sailing prahus and their mariners .
10 In many parts of the country these proved to be the most open elections ever to take place under Soviet rule , and gave ample demonstration of collapsing support for the Communist Party ( CPSU ) .
11 What all pointed to was the growth of a considerable Wealden timber and brick industry , another attraction for the casual labour for which the area was becoming notorious .
12 They are all intended to be the same place : in Gentile country across the Sea of Galilee .
13 Armstrong , dismissed from the directorship of the Whitney Museum of American Art several years ago , presided over what many considered to be a collapse of curatorial standards of that institution .
14 His most nefarious recorded act was to defame York 's new wife Anne Hyde [ q.v. ] , in the hope of dissolving the marriage , which many considered to be a disaster .
15 The ideal time to pursue the sport which many considered to be the purest form of hunting .
16 Yet since January he has faced four different boats fielded by Koch — first Jayhawk , then Defiant and , more recently , America and Kanza — all reported to be an improvement on each other , at a cost to the America Foundation of some £38.25 million .
17 It is important for practitioners to remain flexible , sometimes widening the focus to include extended current or previous family members , to avoid triangulation or colluding with anyone family member , and to avoid judging which includes the assumption that problems are all related to being a step-family .
18 oh we 've all got to be a little wary a wee bit
19 But the issue as to whether feminism and Christianity are compatible is not entered upon , let alone shown to be the case .
20 These troops , clearly oblivious to danger , were at first thought to be a Dutch contingent , and had come so close that the Bren gunner could fire only two magazines before grenades knocked out his weapon .
21 The plates flickered past , solemn and beautiful faces , sleeping soldiers , angels carrying flutes , and then a page fell open more easily because , slipped into it , she found a sheet of the villa 's notepaper on which was typed what she at first thought to be a shopping-list , but , as she began to read , discovered it was no such thing .
22 The psychology of groups is first asserted to be the oldest form of human psychology , but then individual psychology , of the leader , chief or father , is also added as the oldest individual psychology .
23 Further research revealed that what had at first appeared to be a bizarre anomaly was in fact a cultural feature shared by many different Indian peoples .
24 Pisco sour proved to be a local brandy whisked up with white of egg and the juice of fresh limes with a few drops of angostura bitters lying like dark bloodstains on the white bed of foam .
25 We were all highly individualistic — in fact , what we had in common seemed to be a reputation for rebellion and trouble-making — but we shared a way into adult life , influencing each other and creating a collective strength .
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