Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] made [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 next year compared to this and made further increases which will bring the programme to over £450 million in 1994-95 .
2 Throughout the colonial period they made little use of the judicial system set up by the British and made few requests of their administrators .
3 Back at the firm , did my colleagues ask if I had made any good deals , ordered too much or made new contacts ?
4 A former SADF intelligence major , Nico Basson , met a group of journalists in Johannesburg on June 10 and made sensational charges against the SADF , including that it had armed and trained killers loyal to the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party to attack ANC supporters .
5 ‘ I sat back a little bit more than usual and made sure things were organised .
6 She was appointed to the Foreign Office 's advisory committee on the Boxer indemnity fund in 1925 and made two visits to China ( 1926 and 1930–1 ) .
7 The reason for breaking our vows were pecuniary and made financial sense .
8 ‘ We signed up for treatment with him when Aisling was about three and made ten trips to Geneva .
9 They were three quarters of the way through the meal when Caspar , who did not miss anything any of the giants said and who had , in fact , long since perfected the art of listening to three different conversations at once , suddenly went rather white and made frantic gestures to Fenella .
10 ‘ We repainted them all and made new mattresses . ’
11 Webb played for Chelsea between 1967-73 and made 230 league appearances for the club .
12 Macmillan also left income-tax rates alone , hit cigarette-smoking and made stern noises about public expenditure ; and he presided over the highest interest rates for decades — bank rate was a horrific 5.5% .
13 Versatile midfielder ‘ super Alan Pardew ’ joined The Eagles from Yeovil Town for a mere £7,500 in 1987 and made tremendous progress with the Palace , so that he missed only one match during our 1988–89 promotion season , for which his drive , energy and cultured right foot provided an invaluable component , and just two games upon our return to the 1st Division in 1989–90 .
14 Darlington-born Wealands joined his home-town club from Wolves in July 1970 and made 28 League appearances before being transferred to Hull in march 1972 .
15 It was taken over by the Pittard Group in 1987 but made serious losses in the last three years .
16 These high mean ages at onset and the absence of difference in uptake between hypertensives and controls reflect the history of oral contraception , which became available in the early 1960s and made rapid progress in this village , with our support .
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