Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] what [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Did the latest modelling confirm this and what is the next best alternative in terms of capability .
2 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
3 But we should ask ourselves why are we using that and what 's the effect of using other functions in there such as maybe an and or an or where we or the responses out of here or we an them .
4 Who makes these and what are the drawbacks , if any ?
5 The body was humanoid but what was the brain ?
6 I 'm not being facetious but what is the bloody point
7 Bauer asked himself : what was the economic level of Romania in 1950 and what was the average annual income of Romanians then ?
8 exactly but every body who did something like being vegetarian or what 's the other thing ? , goes to church , church people are the bloody worse
9 What was the budget for 1979-80 and what is the predicted budget for 1992 ?
10 There take for two and what are the two categories turning to get fifteen over three .
11 Is the Stock Market efficient and what are the implications of the crash of 1987 for market efficiency ?
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