Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] there will [be] " in BNC.

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1 At high temperatures the configurational entropy will be high and there will be many ways for molecules to be packed , with no one configuration preferred over another .
2 Entrance to the fiesta is free and there will be charge of £1 for car parking .
3 ‘ Paris is below its historic high , there are no further elections until 1993 and there will be increased liquidity from the new Plans d'Epargne .
4 Andrew Ball , of Spicers & Oppenheim , accountants to the Stock Exchange , said yesterday : ‘ 1 January is impossible and there will be widespread default . ’
5 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
6 ( Legge ) Yes , that 's absolutely right and there will be no change for those elderly people who have paid into the benefits system .
7 We 've heard tonight , and I do not believe it , a plea from Councillor , the Chairman of Social Services , that he wants ring fencing of Local Government money , I E the Government sends us our money and says , you will spend it on that and that and that and there will be now power of Local Councils to decide what the needs are in their areas and what their priorities are .
8 The curriculum requirements are extensive and there will be expectations that children ‘ get through it all ’ .
9 If the main file is large this index too will be large and there will be problems due to its size .
10 Unless there is complete agreement , there is no agreement at all and there will be a worldwide trade war .
11 When labour supply is completely inelastic as in Figure 16–4 , income tax does not induce any distortion at all and there will be no allocative gain in reducing income tax rates .
12 You 'd better watch and get that paddy first or there 'll be trouble .
13 The proportion of oil will decrease significantly however due to an increase in coal usage to make coal the country 's main fuel by the year 2000 and there will be a huge increase in gas consumption .
14 The full range of modern apprenticeships will be offered to sixteen and seventeen year olds in September nineteen ninety five and there will be some prototypes
15 It 's not too far and there 'll be shade from the trees . ’
16 Now if you did recognize the voice or you think you can help the police then there 's a free phone number to contact it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine that 's a free phone number so it wo n't cost you anything to call O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's the number to call if you did recognize the voice there or you think you can help the police in any way O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine and there 'll be more on that in our next main news which is on the way at one o'clock .
17 ‘ The deaths are obviously very tragic and there will be a full and thorough investigation into the circumstances , ’ he said .
18 This year er , there 's been a negative benefit in the first half of two million and there 'll be a positive benefit in the second half of two million .
19 Arguments against this include : ‘ MIT want to keep power away from Princeton ’ , and ‘ putting — it elsewhere costs another 250 million and there will be protests anyway ’ .
20 We are now at the crossroad , we need wider support and help both moral and financial and there will be a bucket collection at the end of this session .
21 Faith Lavender is dead and there will be no visitors . ’
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