Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] we [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After Warrington they 've got to be careful or we might be blown up in smoke .
2 ‘ Any more progress like this and we 'll be back where we started . ’
3 ‘ But we will build on this and we will be back .
4 I do support this , which is Michael 's resolution because we should be looking at the financial costs and er going into the practical aspects of this and let's , let's face it er there are many aspects which are financially unviable and we should be aware of exactly where we stand on that .
5 But I am constantly in trouble with the law , because I always kiss my boyfriend in public and we could be prosecuted for that .
6 ‘ I know this will be difficult for the least well-off and we will be giving them special help . ’
7 New unions have now emerged which we have not faced before we must not dodge these challenges because they may appear difficult or hard and we must be prepared to learn off anybody who has something to show us to close our minds would be a mistake .
8 The Government seem to think , ’ If we can keep inflation down , everything will be fine and we will be electorally popular . ’
9 Jim Birrell , chief executive of the Halifax said : ‘ The availability of extra Housing Corporation Funds is welcome and we will be happy to talk to housing corporations about extra finance so that they can spread their £750 million over as many houses as possible .
10 This work is not carried out by MAS but we should be mindful of opportunities to sell ( subtly ) the firm 's services in this area .
11 Part one featuring the first four days of the route is on page 18 and we 'll be publishing parts two and three in our August and September issues , so September might be a good time to do the whole thing — if you can wait that long .
12 The ground will be bursting at the seams and buzzing and we can be encouraged by the fact that have tended to produce our best form against the big sides .
13 The old uniformity is no more and we will be all the richer for it .
14 So there we are we 've got one lot of twelve or we might be able to have two lots of what see what you can make with it for two lots .
15 ‘ Our strength is up front and we will be looking to exploit that , ’ added McMenemy .
16 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
17 In order for our businesses to succeed , our customers must be successful and we must be profitable as suppliers .
18 You 'll cope with it but you 've got ta buy , your moonboots we should be able to get the market Jill said around , I mean we can get them in cash and carry for nine ninety nine but we should be able to get them at Blackbushe market for five to six ninety nine .
19 Without the recession it would be higher but we must be thankful for what we can get in these times when other railways are reporting reductions of up to 20 percent .
20 ‘ As you can imagine it has been total panic but fortunately the suppliers have been very co-operative and we will be ready . ’
21 These qualities are rare and we would be grateful if you would send any recommendations to the Travel Editor , Harpers & Queen , National Magazine House , 72 Broadwick Street , London W1 .
22 We are entirely confident that our figures are correct and we would be happy for the Secretary of State to be the judge of those . ’
23 We should be more efficient and we should be more responsive to the needs of tenants .
24 Or , if more convenient , give us a call on 0788 544535 and we 'll be happy to make the delivery arrangements for you .
25 ‘ This is all most irregular and we shall be consulting our legal advisers , ’ Jeremiah Scrape announced .
26 Whether or not schools as we know them will exist in the future is uncertain but we can be sure that there will be information and that its importance will grow in social and economic terms .
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