Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] i [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He 's three months old and I love him and I would n't do a thing to harm him .
2 Harvey was certainly reliable but I think he was also capable of pulling off the classic save ( as in the Leeds-Arsenal Cup final ) .
3 Well it 's like er now that sometimes when you 've been doing the message you know you might talk a little bit different but I mean he 's had elocution lessons .
4 Fielding said it was a mob joint and I believed him : brocade , matt light , as quiet as a church .
5 Actually , he 'd started on that before six and I think he 'd finished when I left at six-fifteen .
6 He looked sad and I knew he did n't want her to leave but I also knew that he hated the constant uproar of quarrelling , so what was he to do ?
7 Er I 'd just like to come back on three fairly brief points that er one of which was mentioned by Michael Courcier , two of which er relate to that , and were helpfully stimulated in discussion during the tea break , erm Michael Courcier , I think if I got him right , said , he did say we ca n't produce demographic forecasts for post two thousand and six but I think he was fairly guarded in saying it it would n't be wise or or whatever , erm I would suggest in this context , and in the context of , and I use the word emerging and I look for advice as to when emerging regional planning guidance , and when will be the end date of that regional planning guidance , I say we should be looking beyond two thousand and six , I say we can look beyond two thousand and six , and I would suggest we do it in the way of arrange , which would be highly appropriate way of doing it , not too dissimilar to road traffic forecasts , low medium and high growth , and if , to put the point simplistically , if we have arrived at a requirement figure of nine seven for Greater York for a specific period , if we were to either project that forward by five or ten years , obviously we could n't just simply go rata , but if you took a low figure and you halved it on the basis of the make up , the demographic make up , of how the nine seven had been arrived at it would be possible to produce a range , that then relates to the question of a new settlement , and the alternatives during the period to two thousand and six , and beyond , of that new settlement , and I go back again to the greenbelt , it is vitally important to do that in the terms of a long term defined greenbelt , therefore again in that context , I would say it is highly desirable , if not necessary , to revisit the periphery of York , it has not been examined in a local plan , it has not been examined in terms of environmental impact , with all due respect to the Greater York working party their , the level of analysis of those peripheral blocks of land was fairly cursory , on a limited number of planning criteria , if a new settlement is to be assessed alongside expansion of Greater York we have to revisit it in much much greater detail .
8 It was my first piece , and I got it in my head immediately ; I had been very depressed and I think he saved my life . ’
9 I could never work with a man like that and I told him so .
10 And when I do it , whatever it is , I feel glad and I think he does too , but that 's not much consolation before I do it .
11 Your father is very ill and I think he 's going to die . ’
12 I could n't help thinking she was like a racehorse , and when Ward started questioning her , she answered him with such haughty condescension , such arrogance , that his face went white and I swear he 'd have play-acted the Gorbals slum kid and thrown a lot of four-letter words at her if he 'd known how to do it in Spanish .
13 Left : ‘ If Pop said do n't , I did ; if he said black , I said white and I punished him daily , one way or another .
14 He 's pretty scruffy and I think he 's spilt summat on his mac , cos there 's a big stain down the front .
15 My elder brother he does n't work hard but I suppose he is kind of quite .
16 He was like , he was on the dole for years man , he was lucky to get that but I mean he used to .
17 His ball had gone into deep rough and I noticed he was walking toward it much faster than usual and he was talking to me faster .
18 Some soldier saw me , realized I was n't a real major and I suppose he thought I was impersonating an officer or whatever .
19 However , I was not prepared just to accept him with no experience at all and I asked him to give me some sort of evidence about the amount of flying he had done .
20 I might say ‘ Yes he s good and I want him to play for Leeds ’ .
21 His pace was virtually non-existent and I think he was on the end of a few ‘ Whose ate all the pies ’ songs .
22 I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey , we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
23 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
24 Richard made a very and I wish he had the confidence about our proposals .
25 I did it myself a while ago but the silicone has gone rather mouldy and I thought he would make a better job !
26 Anyway , the point was that Fagg left me alone and I left him alone .
27 I disapproved of his grey suede shoes , his floppy bow tie and the excessive width of his trousers : he struck me as flaccid and petulant and I disliked him on sight .
28 I stroked his big woolly head , and after a while it got very heavy and I suspected he 'd dropped off to sleep .
29 him something else for Christmas , something smaller and I made him a model out of matchsticks and I said this is the prototype
30 ‘ It 's a baby , ’ she said , ‘ he 's shrinking but I think he can be saved . ’
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