Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [num] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Er , the comparable cost for a family of four in this country to go to somewhere like Alton Towers or to Chessington in your own car including the cost of petrol of getting there is of the order of fifty or sixty pounds at the outside .
2 The pitmen remain underground for eight or nine hours at a time and invariably take food down with them into the pits and eat it with unwashed hands and without a knife and fork .
3 His daughter Elizabeth , born in 1655 , married the Quaker writer Richard Vickris [ q.v. ] in 1672 and raised eight or nine children at Firgrove , the Vickris estate in Chew Magna , Somerset .
4 At first I could not devote so much time to the orchestra but by the early 1960s I was coming to a position where I was able to be with the orchestra a very great deal , working for eight or ten days at a time on concerts , records , and films .
5 Probably there were never more than eight or ten newcomers at Canterbury among a native community of perhaps thirty or forty Englishmen ; but it was the privilege of the newcomers to command , and of the native monks to exercise their monastic vocation of obedience .
6 The man who can not make eight or ten bales at least has almost no object in life and nothing to live on . ’
7 Orchard Fahrenheit 1280o Will give you a stunning 16 million colours at 640 by 480 or 256 colours at 1,024 by 768 , it is a little slower than some of its competitors but quite a bit cheaper at around £200
8 Ideally Nato required at least 30 or 40 divisions at the start of hostilities .
9 2 or 3 days at home in Oxfordshire is a luxury , even when he does get the chance to relax , he watches re-runs and readies himself for the next race .
10 If Wooderson was any different from his fellows it was that he tried harder ; he had the old equivalent of tunnel vision , enhanced by a coach , Albert Hill , who had won the 800 and 1500 metres at a single Olympics .
11 In Germany , Greece , Luxembourg , Netherlands and Portugal maternity leave was between 12 and 16 weeks at full salary .
12 Three lectures will be organised in conjunction with the exhibition , to be held on 5 , 12 and 19 January at 5.30pm in Sotheby 's Colonnade Gallery .
13 A mechanic for Britax France refused to believe that British installation charges did not include the cost of the seat as well , ‘ It takes 10 or 15 minutes at the most , ’ he said .
14 Again , it 's a questin of matching the kit to the age of the child because some of them erm — the one we have at home , for example , plugs into the mains and although it only pushes out six or nine volts at the end the child actually does have to plug it in and , well I do n't think I 'd be happy if my six or seven year old was doing that , although my nine year old could cope with it quite happily .
15 Again , it 's a question of matching the kit to the age of the child because some of them erm — the one we have at home , for example , plugs into the mains and although it only pushes out six or nine volts at the end the child actually does have to plug it in and , well I do n't think I 'd be happy if my six or seven year old was doing that , although my nine year old could cope with it quite happily .
16 The angle can be anywhere between 10 and 25 degrees at this stage , and only a flight test will show whatever change is needed .
17 A two-day strike of between 35,000 and 40,000 workers at four platinum mines in the Bophuthatswana bantustan ended on Nov. 14 .
18 This constraint means that even with large samples of , say , 1,000 respondents , controlling for three or four factors at once means the analyst is likely to run out of cases very soon .
19 That argument has been very forceful in some countries for the last three or four decades at least .
20 Very few minutes , perhaps three or four minutes at the absolute outside .
21 I suppose I have had three or four cracks at it now at different times of my life and in different circumstances and every time I have got it wrong .
22 After teaching English as a foreign language for many years , Pauline wanted to establish a house in a country setting where her students could stay for up to three or four weeks at a time .
23 I would n't like another baby for another three or four years at least .
24 Er and you could go to a boarding school but if you did n't you were moved round every three or four years at the most to a different school .
25 Sometimes they 're gone for three or four days at a time . ’
26 The only reported appeal in Scotland against liability to detention while on leave of absence concerned a patient who was spending three or four days at home each week .
27 Mr Endara , looking drawn from a 16-day-hunger strike in protest at the government refusal to recognise his victory in May 's annulled election , was unharmed but two aides at the Liberal Party office , which serves as the opposition coalition headquarters , were arrested .
28 " The Meeting having considered many Complaints from Caddelton and the other principle Drovers … from the want of a proper Fank for Cattle near the ferry place of Portaskaig , and Considering also that sixty or Eighty acres at least of some muir land near the Port will be necessary … appoint a Committee to draw up an application to Shawfield , praying he may allot and Inclose a piece of ground . "
29 Pitch them for 5,000 or 10,000 shares at a time .
30 By June 1992 my car was ready for the ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ to be held on 5 and 6 September at Wembley in London .
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