Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb base] it be " in BNC.

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1 Maggie , 37 , said : ‘ We feel very sad about this and wish it was n't happening but we are friends and always will be .
2 I 'm very angry about all this and believe it 's long past the time when serious questions must be asked about this form of recruitment ’ .
3 Unionist MP David Trimble has written to the Heritage Secretary seeking his help in persuading Channel 4 to go public and concede it was conned into broadcasting the highly controversial allegations in its Dispatches programme in 1991 .
4 Heat it in a jug of hot water until it is just warm and check it 's not too hot by testing a drop on the inside of your wrist .
5 How wispy and thin it was . ’
6 He ate food that cost little and let it be known that he underwent severe penances and fasting .
7 Not that you well you may not be interested in that but y'know it 's there 's plenty of variety as it were yeah
8 The banks say the Phoenix survey is too small to be representative but insist it 's up to customers to check statements .
9 Three players were booked , Portadown 's Smith and Shepherd along with Ballymena 's Burn , but apart from the usual rough and tumble it was never a dirty game .
10 A year ago I had six boys in my school , now there are none , they get to 11 and think it 's cissy . ’
11 As they rode down the village , George noted how clean and tidy it was .
12 They have been warned that the chances are only 50:50 but know it is her best hope of life .
13 He 'd said that if I was asked about it , I should act surprised and say it was nothing to do with me .
14 You can sell a house by saying it 's near to the station , or the shops : or you can be really eccentric and say it 's a life giving spa centre with its own magic water source .
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