Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb past] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The chapel at St Mary 's Priory of the Little Sisters of Pity was cold and damp and smelled of candlegrease and incense .
2 And gambol with the natives : penguins and southern seals , charming and unafraid of mankind in this frozen and beautiful world .
3 There had been a time when she had thought of going with Roman and dreamed of dancing held tightly in his arms , but now she doubted she would go at all .
4 Etching vessels should be shallow , tightly-closing and made of polythene or similar soft plastic .
5 Much more so than the place she had visited in London , which had been dark and smelled of incense .
6 So , well before we get on to any issues to do with the structural poverty of the Third World , maintained by the wealth extracting efforts and arrangements of our Western world , we can surely see why quite a few people do not really believe in recovery through economic growth and consumption and we need to ask whether we ought to want it anyway , but people in the Tory Party and in the Labour Party in the City with a capital C and the trade unions with a Capital T and a U go on talking as if our goal must be jobs and recovery in the same old way , technologized , computerized and skillerlized of course with strong dashes of management insights and so on
7 The children might have made a collection of shiny things or things made of metal , and be invited to think of things that they use at home which are shiny or made of metal .
8 It had suddenly found itself desperately short of a special washer — waxed and made of felt — that is a vital bit in the detonation process inside the RAF 's latest 1,000lb bombs .
9 The floor of the barn was cold stone and slimy and smelled of engine oil and damp cereals .
10 It is recorded of a Bishop , who was a strong Sabbatarian and disapproved of Sunday trains , that he was puzzled by statistics showing that train accidents were no more frequent on Sundays than on weekdays .
11 Halberds would also be easy enough to manage , and although the pike was normally eighteen feet long and made of ash , there are records of women engaging successfully in pike-pushes .
12 Dimly lit , permanently blacked out , they had become dirty and dingy and smelled of neglect .
13 He was one of 25 farmers arrested in November 1987 and accused of membership of the New People 's Army ( NPA ) , the armed wing of the outlawed Communist Party .
14 The moon was full and round and pale and spoke of duplicity and peacefulness .
15 They might be sorted according to any combination of these , such as things which are ‘ green and made of metal ’ , but such sophisticated sorting is seldom within the range of the very young child .
16 It was red and smelled of perfume .
17 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
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