Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb past] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Endoscopy was normal or showed a hiatus hernia without oesophagitis in 66 patients .
2 When patients with malignant obstructive jaundice have been randomised to either surgery or insertion of a large diameter biliary stent , the 30 day mortality in the endoscopic group was significantly lower or showed a trend in that direction .
3 It may have been a teetotal , chapel-going household but do n't imagine it was ever narrow-minded or lacked a sense of fun .
4 I kept the rooms clean and made sure that no-one robbed or attacked the clients .
5 For Oxfordshire residents who are registered unemployed or retired the fees are waived for part-time associate study , and from 1988 — 89 part-time degree students will pay only half ( £24 ) the normal rate per credit .
6 The Stravinsky , if more detached and calculated a piece , equally engages the senses here in the incisiveness of Zimmermann 's playing , his thrust , his fullness of sound , the quiet restraint he shows in the concerto 's plaintive moments .
7 A majority of 10 EC Foreign Ministers rejected the Netherlands draft at a meeting in Brussels on Sept. 30 and demanded the reinstatement of the earlier Luxembourg text .
8 Lucille felt friendless in an enemy country , but then was relieved to see the Dowager Countess of Mauberges who , like so many other Belgian aristocracy , thought of herself as French and wanted the world to know it .
9 Mum , Tim is making me drop this and hurt the fish .
10 Kelly understood this and played the game as well as anyone .
11 The prior broke this and lifted the lid .
12 Their supervisor noted this and investigated the situation .
13 This attracted the attention of the local landowning family who were not at all happy with this and threatened the founders .
14 Four pairs of eyes fastened momentarily on this and absorbed the fact that they had been cheated .
15 Many Iranians around the Shah believed that the British resented this and blamed the Shah for it .
16 He was always extremely proud of this and made a point of being known as Dr Dresser .
17 They would has/e swum naked only Rufus 's father had discovered them doing this and made a fuss out of all proportion to the offence , if offence it was .
18 Development through Drama seemed to provide just this and became a set text worldwide , but as with most formulae , the recommended practice often does not quite match the philosophy .
19 Getting out to open the passenger door for her , he noticed that , in contrast to Francesca , she expected this and accepted the courtesy gratefully .
20 Scott seemed satisfied by this and slipped the magazine free from his own pistol , jamming in the full one he 'd taken from Hitch 's Beretta .
21 ‘ But the former River Authorities knew this and shut an eye to it . ’
22 Blotted this and handed the whole to Cornelius Murphy .
23 Mr Ibuka , a honorary chairman , popped into the room , saw this and remembered a project on developing lightweight portable headphones going on elsewhere in the building .
24 The permanent secretary , Sir Peter Thornton , saw the sense of this and gave the idea his blessing .
25 The defendant agreed to this and obtained a licence but later refused to pay the charge .
26 Panic seemed attractive but pointless , this baby was going to have to be born within 24 hours now that the waters had gone , and the sooner we accepted this and welcomed the baby , the better .
27 The civilian in charge was philosophical about this and recognized the limitations .
28 Ondaatje perceived this and described the book as being ‘ far nastier and more frightening ’ than Flowers For Hitler ; but the choice of words is unjust : there is nothing nasty or frightening about honest observation .
29 During the hearing , he claimed that Chapman and the directors knew of this and accused the manager of lying when he told the commission he did not know .
30 The eggs were clear and had a diameter of between 0.6 and 0.9mm and mostly floated at the water surface .
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