Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
2 I mean either that or they 're right up to your backside , you know , and I mean
3 Oh , well it 's either that or she 's just ignorant !
4 and giving us tuition on real antique furniture , he does n't do anything in his shop erm after eighteen forty or it 's all more or less Georgian , very Georgian actually .
5 My age is 64 years , but I feel more like a man of 30 and I am mentally more alert ’ .
6 The drawing suggests that a number of balls are available for this and they are just pushed into the hole one alter the other until it is filled and a surface can be laid on top of it .
7 We have been trying for years , centuries , to establish this and it is only because of help from outside that we have been able to do it now .
8 Fortunately the software makes allowances for this and it 's generally quicker to knock up a quick likeness and then use the editing features to tidy up .
9 I 'm looking for a nut erm , for this , so you know hold it in position , found one , while I 'll looking I found this and it 's just the job
10 I said , there 's loads of building going on and we have had money to do this and it 's jolly well time .
11 Mr John told me last year he paid a lot of money for all this and it 's still not bloody working !
12 it 's too late then , that 's what A Angie said , Angie said , you know they , they make this and it 's too late you ca n't undo the , the , it 's a lie !
13 The results substantiated this and it was also found that at deeper levels of processing , ‘ No ’ answers were less commonly recognised than ‘ Yes ’ answers .
14 Where he comes in and he does that piss and he 's and Madonna 's standing there looking at him like this and she 's just looking at him and she 's going , anyone who can keep it up that long and he 's just sitting there going er no he 's going er and she 's going , she 's going , and she 's coming round like that trying to look at him , I could n't stop laughing .
15 I had the uncanny feeling that the ghost of Sigmund Freud was chiding me for thinking this and she was clearly incensed that I could suggest that her father could have had any interest in religion whatsoever .
16 There 's one at Kentish Town , a businessman who smokes big fat cigars like this and he 's half finished them and he throws them on the train and when the doors open no-one clears out the way and he steps on and he 's such as bastard
17 I asked Mr. Lennis about this and he was quite cross .
18 Erm if you do I think what we 'll do is we 'll go through this book one so that we make sure that you really know everything in this and you 're really good at it .
19 As erm as a doctor , Bill , I have ingrained on my heart Aneurin Bevan 's words when the National Health Service was introduced in this country by the post-war Labour government , against the wishes of my colleagues , and he commented that he would erm cross our palms with silver , and he did that very successfully , with the result that he stifled a lot of opposition amongst some very powerful people , and erm of course when you 're trying to introduce a new scheme such as this and you 're terribly keen that erm it should take off and be successful , you do , of course , cross palms with silver .
20 I am very sorry to trouble you with this and I am most grateful to you for having returned the documents so promptly .
21 I would welcome any information on this and I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has experience of facilitating or participating in any such evaluation .
22 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
23 I says I want to learn sommat so I went to and I do n't know what it was , whether it was my attitude , but they , they asked me to do this and I was so good at it , so they started finding jobs for me and it was at and I was anxious for knowledge , and I tell you took anything on , which is important and the big firms did n't .
24 Your neck could be on the chop if you were to say what you felt about this and I 'm awfully sorry .
25 His drawings were so clear and he was always able to get directly to the important issues .
26 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
27 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
28 Recently tips have been shaped as they are made , so their later landscaping is easier and they are less intrusive in their early years .
29 Travel is easier and we are continuously bombarded with information about distant places .
30 It is much easier and it 's much safer and it strikes me to be making the case for a western relief road to provide the relief north to the A one , has already been achieved on the six five eight .
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