Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The continuing use after that time of recognition is a time of testing whether control is possible or whether it has indeed been lost .
2 All these questions can help you decide whether the ad is right or whether it needs changing .
3 If it is n't then you 've got ta make a choice of whether you want to be private or whether you want to run the risk of someone using it as cover .
4 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
5 But in the meantime the investors have had the benefit of a gross roll-up of interest and the flexibility of deferring their tax charge until it suits them which , of course , may be at a time when the tax charge is lower or after they have emigrated .
6 Many practices realised that their marketing had been deficient or that they needed to know more about trends and opportunities .
7 Yeah , well you know this , this Selby 's one that was the same , when the switchboard was busy it would er , if you , if you sees line three and played it down , well if anybody sees line three and played it down it used to do that or if you sees the intercom that did it , says it 's more like the Selby 's one than the new one
8 ‘ It 's real strange but I do n't feel cheated or that I deserved something and did n't get it ’ .
9 It did n't seem to her that Timothy Gedge was trying to make a joke , yet it was amazing that he was saying all this just to pay them back for not being friendly or because he wanted a wedding-dress they would n't give him , or for any reason at all .
10 If it was like Germany where everything is , is regimented , whatever word you wan na use whether you agree with this or whether you do n't , everybody in Germany pays everything that they should .
11 The only time I 'll drink water is owt like this or if I 've one of them Mister Softee cornets .
12 If , after a previously unblemished career , you are taken to task , it may be that your superiors ' requirements are unrealistic or that you have not yet been given sufficient time to adjust to the style of the new regime .
13 Held , ( 1 ) that on an appeal to the High Court from a decision of justices under the Children Act 1989 fresh evidence could be adduced only with leave in exceptional circumstances , and the court would not interfere with the exercise of the justices ' discretion unless it considered that their decision was plainly wrong or that they had erred in principle ; and that , further , an interm order would not lightly be interfered with in view of its temporary nature and the often provisional character of the evidence ( post , p. 271A–B ) .
14 I think the problem here is that others , obviously banks and other industries , will be using computers and there will be a tendency then for people , when things go wrong or when they do n't understand , to become further removed from the technology .
15 I think that it ought to be self-evident , erm if we 've done our programme in a way which er , is clear or if we 've presented it in a clear fashion , then I think sequence and clashes er and safety , to a large extent , become self-evident .
16 He does seem to suggest , that if you 're directly interested or if you have a direct interest in something you ca n't take an objective view , and I would say that actually , members have shown their ability to erm , to achieve something different from that , the way they wear different hats at different committees , Mr comes to mind where he will argue for the D S O's , at the D S O managing board , and for the client at Education Committee .
17 ( Nearly new stalls at Rallies are proving popular or if you have access to a VHS video system , a coffee morning might raise a few funds ) .
18 The night porter used a passkey for those rooms that were empty or where no-one answered .
19 An overall clinical global grade was given according to Truelove and Witts ( table I ) At the end of the study patients were asked whether they found the enemas acceptable or whether they had encountered difficulty in their administration .
20 His most recent biographer has observed that ‘ because Aymer de Valence held the English earldom of Pembroke and spent his entire career in English service it is easy to forget that in origin he was almost entirely French and that he retained very close links with France throughout his life ’ .
21 While this is a continuing habit of government it is worth pondering whether governments have become more adept at doing this and whether they have encouraged the growth of a machinery with which to co-ordinate media policy generally .
22 Perhaps my opinion on morality 's changed , you know , that there is right and wrong and all this and that you 've got to accept people .
23 Cookstown sprung into life after this and although they played some flowing football they just could not penetrate a resolute Ballymoney defence until that is the 40th minute when a bad blunder from the Ballymoney goalkeeper Merchant presented Alan Shaw with a simple tap in from only five yards .
24 Okay , erm so the consequence of this and as I said this is not fashionable feminism this is , this is , this is real science .
25 It was most unusual to see Taff down like this and as I gave him my condolences I was thinking that the sadness was beginning to reach almost everyone .
26 Right , somebody with congenital dislocation of the hip , the hip will sag down it will cause them great difficulty and they have a waddling gait , and they 'll walk like this and if you look at African women a lot of them have congenital dislocation of the hip when they waddle
27 Can you tell me how to do this and if you need to varnish it ?
28 It 's very hard to retain it lot 's of work we 've done on this and if you do n't remember if you do n't understand you do n't remember .
29 Jackie wondered how often he had eaten himself to sleep alone in rooms like this and if he had seen much more of Mr Harker than Evelyn , his supposed sister , had .
30 Owen half-realized this and if he had had any sense would have shut up , but Mahmoud 's moods blew up very suddenly out of an apparently clear sky and once again he was slow in reacting .
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