Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] have got " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's a stigma that a lot of men feel they ca n't show that they 're depressed or they 've got a problem so they 'll pick up a ph , a phone .
2 And you know what I wanted , some Fairly liquid or they 've got ta go up and get it .
3 When they 're pregnant or they 've got a little baby .
4 Either that or I 've got wax in my ears .
5 Either that or she 'd got two woollies on .
6 looked like a great big piano , you know , with like the buttons and he were doing this and they 've got every country within range on the wa on whatever it was , wall or a gantry , and if that was n't too , too good he , he were doing something and it come up .
7 Maidstone was used to all this and he had got the procedures worked out so well that very little mess was involved .
8 And when he gets up and he 's got to do this and he 's got to do that , !
9 and he goes off the big city ma ma , like this and he 's got a fucking flying helmet and a flying bucket
10 Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh was going to say , well now you 've got to do this and you 've got ta to that and you 've got to do the other .
11 ( Eg I got 2 pounds of a cop ticket for wimbledon — meaning I can see a match for 5.50 ) It only takes me going to 5 matches like this and I 've got good value for my initial investment .
12 He 's recently widowed and he 's got four children .
13 They saw that , you know the , this wa wash your face campaign and all of a sudden their cadres were pretty unpopular and they thought goodness me , we 're really doing something , we 're just doing something wrong and we 've got to try and mobilize support , we need a radical policy .
14 in the centre of the scrum you 've half and you 've got
15 We met er , a beautiful old English sheep dog , seven months old and they 've got to find a new home for it , because they 're off to America .
16 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
17 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
18 I thought it was really very funny , this long straggly black hair , he looked absolutely miserable , he thought he was now spiritually calm and spiritually sane and he 's got this peculiar thing on his head that makes him look so daft .
19 They 're just obviously between overs at the moment , it 's just finished an over and they 've got the bowler up .
20 I won I 've been on holiday mate so I ai n't Stuart 's got some and I 've got some L seven seven one to seven seven five .
21 They think so totally different and there 's got to be a reason for that .
22 at the moment we 've got effort and behaviour acceptable , we 've got numeracy acceptable and we 've got literacy acceptable with reservations but , tough cookie !
23 Well yeah they 're free but they 've got their advert on it have n't they ?
24 He likes them fresh but they 've got to be like virgins — you know , untouched .
25 Yeah , I , you may laugh but you see if you 're writing stories for a , for a young child then you 've got to be explicit , you 've got to be colourful and you 've got to talk in a basic language that that child will talk that like that at that age .
26 Be interesting cos you can hear exactly what they 're saying , mm I say people like Simon and Doreen who do n't erm televise much and you 've got the telephone you told me do n't you ?
27 Yeah , yes , oh yes aye the plays the plays you 've got to think what you 're doing wand if you miss your cue line you 're putting your , the person next , off as well that it is more er serious and you 've got to think more I think
28 Yeah , Lucy 's got twenty six and you 've got thirty
29 She 's not like thirty four weeks and the baby 's only twenty six and she 's got to stay in for a week at Southwood , then come home weekends and go back in .
30 Alright , what about , when you mentioned as well , we 've got reactive and we 've got active tasks .
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