Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Brigadier-General Arturo Enrile , the government negotiator , said the mutineers had initially demanded Mrs Aquino 's resignation , but eventually ‘ reason prevailed over whatever political or ideoligical convictions they had . ’
2 Brigadier-General Arturo Enrile , the government negotiator , said the mutineers had initially demanded Mrs Aquino 's resignation , but eventually ‘ reason prevailed over whatever political or ideoligical convictions they had . ’
3 Most enterprise-based unions remain fairly self-contained and although many do affiliate to the appropriate national , regional or industrial federations they accord them little authority for conducting collective bargaining or sanctioning agreements .
4 However , if they are applied in a legalistic or academic manner it is only too easy for the best interests of air safety to be pushed back into a position of secondary importance .
5 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
6 I might add that Filmer 's notion of dominion as originally granted to Adam included both ownership of property and authority over men and here Filmer was trading on erm erm the feudal tradition of erm property erm erm erm dominion erm entails that if you have property rights in a certain tract of territory you also have political authority over the people inhabiting that or that territory you know , think of a straightforward standard lord of the manor and his service you know , he has property rights in the territory , he also has authority over erm the individuals who live off that territory .
7 But what it was , they were like it was like G A N do them er Man and Co And they had sort of like a job like Dave 's and a lot of them what they 've done is they 've bought in this area , I mean probably most areas they 've bought the repossessed they 've got about eight or nine houses they 're either renting them out or they 're leaving them empty .
8 Cos it 's super , he was selling that for eight or nine quid you know .
9 I say thirty , we 've had that either eight or nine years I ca n't re I ca n't remember which , that 's cost us thirty five quid in eight or nine years
10 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
11 At this or any stage it may be that one or both of them finds that initial attraction is not supported by later experience .
12 In a commercial or industrial setting it is often assumed that organisations try to maximise profits as their main goal .
13 It is characteristically red , with an M-type spectrum , and at maximum it may rise to magnitude 5.4 , so that it is then an easy binocular object ; with × 12 or higher magnification I have seen strong colour in it .
14 Over the next 12 or 13 weeks we 'll be out and about .
15 He would then work until approximately 6.00 or 6.30 , and if there was no social or literary event he felt obliged to attend , would take a taxi back to Carlyle Mansions .
16 He may then become fully aware of any physical , social or educational disadvantages he possesses .
17 I see things like senile dementia as being a direct result of restricted breathing over very many years — in 20 , 30 or 40 years you can do to yourself the same sort of thing that happens in an operating theatre if oxygen is withdrawn . ’
18 A person is entitled to act for the protection of livestock if either the livestock or the land on which it is belongs to him or to any person under whose express or implied authority he is acting ; and he is deemed to be acting for their protection if and only if , either :
19 In this and other chapters we have discussed the various LEA-based and school-based strategies devised to secure the implementation of PNP .
20 For this and other reasons we recommend that most of the fibre is obtained from vegetables , salad , and fruit , which does not have this effect , and that you do not simply spoon on dollops of bran in order to increase fibre intake .
21 Based on the data from this and other work we can suggest certain recommendations for the clinical management of children with severe established glue ear .
22 For this and other achievements they deserved the recognition as Lions officially denied them — just as the whole Lions tour party had deserved to be invited to Paris .
23 Or this at least was the academic orthodoxy , and by examining this and subsequent debates we should have a clearer idea of the analytical tools which can be of help in understanding the changing nature of local politics in Britain .
24 As a result of this and subsequent deliberations it was agreed to form a local defence force consisting of 60 cavalrymen , who were to extend their protection ‘ … as far as any adjoining town not exceeding 20 miles distance from Frome ’ , together with 100 infantry .
25 When the Turks occupied the old Serbian and Bosnian kingdoms they acquired rich natural resources .
26 Most of them are concerned with admissibility of evidence , which is not in issue here ; and none , aside from those already mentioned , arose where in the face of clear and general language it was contended that Parliament must nevertheless have intended the words of the statute to have only a limited effect .
27 Although it could be assumed by some that this is a development towards a more specialized and fragmented approach it may alternatively be a foundation for a more unified approach and one which accommodates the necessity to combine understanding at the microphysiology and biochemistry ( realist ? ) level with that at the biome level which had traditionally been approached more in functional terms .
28 The people of Great Britain were governed , however tortuous and artificial the modalities , upon the authority of an elective institution which for historical and other reasons they were content to regard as representing them .
29 This is an extremely bold theory , but in the present stage of historical and anthropological knowledge it is not possible to say whether Marx of Engels were clearly wrong , as they were over primitive promiscuity , or by and large right , as they were over the gentile constitution .
30 This is this is further and better particulars we 're just finding the document in the bundle .
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