Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [conj] [pers pn] can " in BNC.

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1 The Croats are trying to carve out as much of central Bosnia as they can get .
2 They want to be in a free and democratic Iraq where they can vote for their leaders and have a democratically accountable Parliament .
3 Deputy Assistant Commissioner Tony Speed stressed : ‘ Do not come to central London if you can think of another way of celebrating New Year . ’
4 He must n't be expected to make an effort when he does n't feel like it , he must n't risk being hemmed in or bored , but everyone has to be ever so careful of his feelings , poor sensitive soul , and when he wants a good fuck he comes to obliging loving little Ruth because he can relieve himself and have his morale boosted without having to do a damned thing about it but get himself into your bed . ’
5 Theresa 's had to get a gas mask for little James but she ca n't imagine how she 'd ever put it on the poor child .
6 See my dad likes videos and things like that but he wa he , I know he likes aftershave , he likes that Old Spice and that so I thought well I 'll get him something like that or I thought I sort of saw cos I 'm going shopping Saturday , I 'm trying to get it all Saturday if I can .
7 Too late Mark before I can .
8 You look at Big Tom and you can see that he has a life and a heart and a world .
9 I mean he 's come out over the top of his own defenders and i over big Ormanroyd and he can do little else but push it back down into the pack .
10 There is now a good chance that he will be beaten in the run-off next Sunday unless he can persuade enough first-round abstentionists to turn out to support him .
11 ‘ Come next Wednesday if you can .
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