Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In a series of bloody encounters in 1796 Napoleon threw back the Austrian , liberating the Italians — again — and created several new republics , one of which , the Cisalpine Republic , had Milan as its capital .
2 In the seconnd half Swindon stepped up the pressure and then a controversial penalty with Mitchell chasing there 's a mix-up in the box and in the melee , the referee blows up for a penalty saying Southend number 3 had held back Mitchell .
3 The quicker Taylor gets out the better .
4 Thus Wednesday 12 February went much the usual affable way .
5 The traffic was light : the blue twinkle of a Mitchum magnet train on the Phobos-Byzantium run ; a little old Fargo slipping down the gradient from Longevity or Silverside , fresh vegetables for the Martians .
6 •Sandy Lyle turned down the invitation to play in the 1989 Ryder Cup .
7 The Old Stager summed up the problem for the benefit of the nine team members within earshot .
8 People embrace him as an all-conquering hero , but they miss out the fact that a lot of native Americans were butchered along the way before old Whitey took over the country .
9 Dear old Joe seemed just the same , but as I got better , he began to remember I was a gentleman , and call me sir again , and when I got up one morning , I discovered he had gone .
10 In what might conceivably have been the last chance of a diplomatic settlement , with the encouraging or surreal touches of a personally popular Ho walking up the Champs Elysees to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and standing beside Bidault on the Fourteenth of July , these were the fundamental issues .
11 After 1788 Baldwin took over the development of the Bathwick estate , a project conceived on the most ambitious scale .
12 At Carole 's insistence they had climbed the long metal ladder which led inside from the roof of the nave to the top of the tower : Henry went first , Amaranth second ; by some accident of fate , David followed on her heels , leaving an indignant Carole to bring up the rear .
13 Two hours flew by before Justin Feltham 's Tiny Tim brought down the curtain with his ‘ and God bless us , every one . ’
14 Another statistic in the joyriding craze ; a stolen Astra driven up the M5 at 100 mph , then crashed into this oncoming car .
15 " Yon " just happened to be three WAAFs toiling up the brae each with a kit bag .
16 The curtains failed to meet in the middle , revealing a section of the room beyond : a high , narrow bed flanked by a massive wardrobe in dark , stained oak ; a large crucifix with an unusually lifelike Christ hanging on the wall .
17 With the deaths of Parent and Brassey in 1870 Buddicom wound up the partnership .
18 White liberals , including the President 's wife , Eleanor , gave their support to the cause of the blacks , and in 1941 Roosevelt set up the Committee on Fair Employment Practices .
19 The 24-year-old Iro picked up the injury playing against Great Britain in the second Test in Auckland in July and aggravated it in his last match for Manly three weeks ago .
20 Bachelor 's Button and Pretty Polly brought up the rear .
21 As long ago as 1957 Chomsky pointed out the weaknesses of n-gram techniques to provide an English grammar based on their inability to cope with long distance dependencies .
22 All Egypt hung on the result .
23 Some of the discipline went out of the play , but as others tired Jess picked up the pace of the game and finished looking as likely as match-winner as anyone .
24 Santer visited the Soviet Union on Oct. 21-24 , 1990 , shortly before the Grand Duchy took over the presidency of the European Community Council for the first half of 1991 .
25 But in 1908 Edison set up the Motion Picture Patents Company ( MPPC ) , which included among its aims an increase in the share of the US market taken by domestic productions .
26 Neither the accepted medical help , nor the quackery were of much use , for poor Louisa died early the following morning .
27 After that Jack gave up the skiing altogether and I took it very steady .
28 Blind Io took up the dice-box , which was a skull whose various orifices had been stoppered with rubies , and with several of his eyes on the Lady he rolled three fives .
29 Blind Io picked up the cube and counted the sides .
30 In the leading role , singer-turned-actor Dutronc has exactly the right quality of physical frailty and stooped sadness to complement Pialat 's beautiful , poignant images .
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