Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun] call for " in BNC.

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1 There was old Ma Feeney to call for the laying out , the coffin maker to see , the burial to arrange .
2 A group representing families of the British victims marked the anniversary by handing in a petition to 10 Downing Street calling for a public inquiry .
3 In a press conference held after the final meeting on Sept. 10 Hun Sen called for an immediate ceasefire in Cambodia .
4 The parliamentary council plan is supported in a confidential SNP document calling for a demonstration — larger than the European summit protest by 25,000 people — in April as a forerunner to the first sitting of a ‘ recalled ’ Scottish parliament .
5 On December 12th Mr Vicari called for an extraordinary general meeting to clear up the uncertainty over the firm 's future .
6 On Aug. 9 King Mswati called for the creation of an indaba ( popular parliament ) .
7 Dec. 9 Hun Sen calls for third JIM to address formation of an international control mechanism ( ICM ) , the cession of military aid to " all parties involved " , and a ceasefire in Cambodia .
8 Two of the most influential US newspapers called for decisions .
9 Up to 300,000 people heard speeches by leaders of nationalist organizations and senior CPL officials calling for the restoration of Lithuania 's full independence from the Soviet Union .
10 Obviously , Mr Gustafson has not been doing his homework , otherwise he would know that there are 48 UN resolutions calling for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Cyprus , and the restoration of its territorial integrity and sovereignty .
11 The proposed EC directive calls for protection of the 10 most important sites for each designated habitat or species within four years , and the top 100 sites in each case within 10 years .
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