Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the 60-strong Hercules fleet still has important tasks including making relief flights to Sarajevo .
2 I listened with fascination to this insider viewpoint , and the moody Miss Brickell suddenly became a real person , not a pathetic collection of dry bones , but a mixed-up pulsating young woman full of strong urges and stronger guilts who 'd piled on too much pressure , loaded her need of penitence and her heavy desires and perhaps finally her pregnancy onto someone who could n't bear it all , and who 'd seen a violent way to escape her .
3 A telephone call from Taylor 's assistant Lawrie McMenemy soon had Ince travelling south , along with United team-mate Gary Pallister , a late replacement for Arsenal 's Tony Adams .
4 AN AILING 68-year-old Seattle woman miraculously came back to life after an emergency medical team who rushed to her home declared her dead and her cold body had been taken to a funeral home .
5 Yet despite all this La Scala soon became the focal point of Milan society and culture .
6 His departure from nearby Long Eaton thus severs a rugby link that has helped to bring Nottingham to eminence from relative obscurity over the past 14 years .
7 The way of life sharedealers aspired to was epitomised in the lifestyle of a Sultan whom a few Tudorbury staff once had the privilege of meeting .
8 Seventeen year old Ian Vickers again impressed all , winning three of the four super division events .
9 Although chantries were not established everywhere , the recording of the priests who served them looks erratic , many being ignored , although the expression ‘ singing at ’ in some Norfolk parishes probably denotes one whose days were occupied saying masses and other prayers for the repose of the souls of the founders .
10 This is not really suited for binocular observation , but it is one of the few Mira variables easily found with binoculars when near maximum .
11 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
12 In the Scottish Highlands weddings still retain a hint of times past .
13 Retaining walls have been built by John Rankin and George Ballantyne outside the entrance to the lower floor of the pattern room behind which the raised level of the new car park stretches across to open ground where the old Wilton sheds once stood .
14 Improved NFS performance also lies at the heart of the company 's desire to recapture ground in the market for heavily networked NFS systems and software which has been all but hi-jacked by the likes of Auspex Systems Inc , Legato Systems Inc , Interphase Corp and Ceram Inc .
15 Women at Testifying must be ‘ loose and bright ’ , as Old Mother Walsh once said .
16 Within the province of Sind some PPP members openly criticized the dependence of the federal government on the support of the Muhajir community ( Urdu-speaking migrants originally from India ) at a time of increasing communal tensions and violence between the Sindhi and non-Sindhi ( mainly Muhajir ) communities ( see below ) .
17 THE staid old Washington Post recently carried a drawing of presidential hopeful Bill Clinton 's wife , Hilary , sketched from the back .
18 In the Lord Mayor 's speech in London in November 1985 Nigel Lawson formally abandoned M3 and since 1987 gave more emphasis to broad money or M4 ( which is M3 plus building society liabilities ) though not setting a target range .
19 In the moments immediately following the arm injury to Craig Chalmers in Saturday 's international match at Twickenham ( see picture below ) , Dewi Morris summoned assistance from the touchline even before play had come to a standstill , while another England player also paid more attention to Chalmers than to the ball .
20 It was during the hammer tests that the hidden improvements over the old ER range really became apparent .
21 Seventy five year old Reg Potter finally convinced the love of his life to marry him … fifty years after she first turned him down .
22 BRAVE Liam Hamer yesterday lost his battle for life just five days after receiving a new liver .
23 ‘ I know that old Sir David only died last year — just before my own father — and I realise that she must be worried sick about poor Owen .
24 FIG. 2 Reaggregate cultures only support the development of 14-day CD4 - CD8 - TCR - thymic precursors when both epithelial and mesenchymal cells are present .
25 In an address to the Pakistani National Assembly and Senate in December 1985 President Zia formally denied that his country had given any bases to the United States .
26 " When I came out of the office I think I said something casually about old Mr. Lorrimer not having to go into hospital after all .
27 Few Beijing campuses still possessed these reminders of the ‘ cult of personality ’ which had led China to the brink of civil war .
28 And this Monday Irene finally learned , in a Irish Coroner 's Court , exactly how Donald died .
29 Liverpool-based Graham Pratt today found his new-look Marine Park Hotel in New Brighton daubed with National Front slogans , swastikas and racist abuse .
30 This FSK generator certainly falls into that category .
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