Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dear Catriona I could guess you probably worked this out a long time ago but I might as well get it over with once and for all and I finally managed to summon up the courage to do so , A S A , a secret admirer , no longer exists , he no longer admires secret or otherwise and has n't existed for almost a year now and again you probably know who he is but I might as well tell you it 's me Johnny the eleven year old , now fourteen , you met at Christmas ninety and boy do I feel stupid .
2 See if it had been nice this Saturday we could 've gone and got the wheel back on the caravan but
3 If it 's empty Anthony you can throw that in the bin
4 Experts say on 12 October it will wipe out the hard disc of any machine it has entered .
5 In nearby Holmfirth you can visit the popular post-card museum , antiques and craft shops .
6 ‘ So , by this September they would have been here not quite two years . ’
7 But I just did n't want to go , it was to my grandmother and old John they used to say , Oh no , you do n't want to school , you 're supposed to stay here at home .
8 Sihanouk 's plan was unacceptable to Soviet leaders anyway since like the proposal for a neutralisation of contemporary Afghanistan it would imperil the retention of the socialist structure of government in the neutralised state .
9 On 26 January he must give his State of the Union address in which he will outline his major tax proposals .
10 And then , the following Monday I 'd like to talk to you if you can to pick her up and take her home .
11 Yes that 's very much Kirkwall I would say particularly .
12 No that 's very much well very much Kirkwall I would say .
13 He is resigned to missing out on any serious rugby during this month , but by early October he should know what the season holds for him .
14 I 'll go , my sister 's going with us and I 'll , the following Wednesday I 'll tell you what it 's like .
15 Until early September you 'll meet strong winds , and you 'll need to sail to windward in a force 4 or even force 6 in a short choppy sea .
16 Towards the end of August or early September you will need wood of the current year 's growth that is quite firm and mature .
17 Whenever you hear one of these QDMs you must fly a heading to parallel your track .
18 On the chalk downlands , which have been under sheep pasture ever since the Iron Age , something like the original appearance of a similar trackway has been preserved , but in the arable Midlands it must have disappeared fairly early .
19 The madcap motorists plan to see how many Minis they can squeeze on to a ferry .
20 When the Windsor herd arrives in late July they will make up the largest group of African elephants in the country .
21 I can confirm , however , that on 11 February I shall announce a major campaign — car crime prevention year .
22 We could do him a deal could n't we with all , all Toshiba I 'd say how much Toshibas .
23 First of all Tracey you can have the first opportunity to show how little you know .
24 In Ancient Rome they 'd have chucked him to the lions .
25 Now that 's that 's good Bryony I can push it while you 're walking there .
26 Through the population policies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany we can recognise broader aspects of social policy relating to the economy and the creation of a disciplined mass society with the states attempts to repress and coerce the population at the same time .
27 They 've er they 've done fairly well there with Perhaps if it 's happen to be a time when I 'm busy Richard you might do it as vice chairman .
28 I wish there was a abetter metaphor , but like Pink Floyd we could have made music about what was really going on in my head and messed around with what being a pop star was all about . ’
29 Erm , as I 've said before , I have reservations about whether a much increased figure about above the County Council 's er proposal could be accommodated within Ryedale District Council , and I if the figure above that is proposed I would suggest that the extra is accommodated within the new settlement , which I presume the ar argue answer you would have expected from Ryedale , erm Barton Willmore 's figure is based on an assumption that they believe that within Ryedale there is a capacity to increase past building rates , I would refute that , erm the building rates in Southern Ryedale I would suggest were abnormally high , because of the development of Clifton Moor airfield , the North Western part of the Southern Ryedale district , sorry South Western part .
30 Effectively , you agree with a bank that on , say , 1 January you will pay the bank interest on a notional principal calculated using a fixed interest rate reflecting the current yield curve ; the bank will pay you interest on the same notional principal at whatever interest rate pertains on 1 January .
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