Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] if it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Time after time Nizan hammered out his basic message : the internal logic of fascism is rearmament leading to war ; the only way to prevent the catastrophe of a world-wide conflict is the creation of a potent counterbalancing force expressly designed to curb the expansionist tendencies of fascist nation states ; peace will be possible only if it is guaranteed by an effective network of alliances forged between civilised , peace-loving nations such as France , Great Britain and , above all , the USSR .
2 Yeah so it 's absolutely clear even if it 's a precis I think it 'll be
3 Having said this , Smith , being a Marxist , has to provide an alternative and more sophisticated account of why military expenditure remains high even if it is dysfunctional for capitalism For Smith , military expenditure is yet one more example of the contradictions of capitalism — it is both functional and dysfunctional .
4 ‘ What 's this then if it 's not work ? ’
5 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
6 Seventeen ninety nine that 's okay then if it 's alright with you it 's alright with me .
7 These results suggest that knowledge of the overall theme of a passage is useful only if it is available at the time the passage is read or heard .
8 However , the use of a disclaimer will be effective only if it is clear and unambiguous and drawn to the attention of the person relying on the advice .
9 The conclusion that DCF is correct conceptually and , contrary to the arguments of Hayes and Garvin , Hill , and others , does not have a short-run bias may not be very useful practically if it is very difficult to estimate the future benefits to be derived from the project in cash-flow terms .
10 But I 'm not so sure now if it 's possible . ’
11 Er making yourself feel good even if it 's only for a short time .
12 Community law itself clearly claims to override the constitutional arrangements of a Member State : ‘ The validity of a Community measure or its effect within a Member State remains unimpaired even if it is alleged that it runs counter to either fundamental rights as formulated by the Constitution of that State or the principles of a national constitutional structure ’ ( Internationale Handelsgesellschaft v. Einfuhr und Vorratsstelle Getreide ) .
13 Nice to get into that even if it is almost as er night watchman .
14 A group of women talking about motherhood may either find some way of adjusting their differing statements so that they are all right , or else become locked in bitter disagreement , which is no less vitriolic even if it is not openly expressed .
15 This will make you look shifty even if it is only a result of nerves .
16 Thus we fabricate a deeper sense of being red in which an object is red only if it is red in a stable fashion in the perceptual fields of all observers and which is therefore treated as part of the real world which exists independently of us .
17 But the Belfast and Edinburgh situations are abnormal and irregular only if it is assumed that the patterns revealed in the New York City study are the normal and regular ones , and that Labov 's findings on the structure of that speech community are universally applicable .
18 oranges , is gon na be issued in the place we say that that er , er at two o'clock if it 's wet we 'll be in the
19 what the valency is to make up this formula you could do the same if it was if someone told you it was an some unknown So if it 's an unknown compound and I drip Let's say it was unknown compound and I dripped hydrochloric acid on and I got carbon dioxide given off yeah
20 If a market surplus of liquidity is forecast , then the Bank will only act at 2.00 p.m. if it is large .
21 However , Strawson also draws a stronger conclusion from it — the conclusion that , since a theory of the determination of action is true now if it is true at all , such a theory would have to be compatible with our distinction between behaviour towards which reactive attitudes are appropriate , and behaviour demanding an objective response .
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