Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and I was upset so I went to my doctor who 's a lady doctor and she 's young , she explained things to me and she put me on H R T and it changed my life completely !
2 At eight o'clock I get into my car , a Chevy with bench seats in the front and the back , no bucket seats .
3 and about eight o'clock I said to Robert , shall I phone Georgie up and sort of see if he wants to come home .
4 and , and stuff like that so I mean in a sense you 're by now a fairly good judge of the way to go about this sort of thing , you 're a fairly good judge of what sort of things are important , perhaps the way in which people describe stuff and , and , you know , words , concepts , vocabularies erm all that kind of thing which obviously it helps if your questionnaire fits in with
5 I was n't very happy about that so I finished with him .
6 Would you mind desperately if just this once I paid at the other end ? ’
7 At about 2 am I fumbled across the bedside table for my bronchodilator .
8 Ann 's probably back in the library , or in in a different shop we usually shop together in different sometimes I go in different shops , sometimes we go in the same ones .
9 At 10 o'clock I hobbled around the kennels while the kennel girl watched Toby .
10 At six o'clock I went to the room with my name on the desk , donned a white coat , and started work .
11 That once I got inside the house and had the dresses and the carriages and everything this mill provides , I would n't be able to see you any more . ’
12 It really in fact they do that more I think in estates than they do the other
13 Let's have a look at that white sheet first erm , quoits are done , I 'll do the pools after those shot , javelin , discus , low on darts , they 've ticked these so I hope to God they 're right well that Justin 'll do anything to be perfectly honest er I wish she , it makes it so difficult when you ca n't trust people .
14 I liked Webern , Berg and Schoenberg , all the stuff that sounded weird and that later I rebelled against .
15 At 4 o'clock I posed in a flower-decked kiosk wearing Amy 's brand-new Marks and Spencer 's floral cotton and an awful lot of Elizabeth Arden 's Flawless Finish .
16 At 8.30 am I drove to my first appointment in Balderton Street , planning to buy a hat at Miss Selfridge afterwards , en route to the filming .
17 he looks terrible actually I said to Dave the other week I said ai n't he lost weight , look at his face , he 's so thin
18 If he ca n't afford a Solicitor and he feels he ought to be represented by a Solicitor , he may apply for Legal Aid , and of course it 's public money concerned so I suppose in an ideal society everybody would be legally assisted who wanted to be , but obviously we ca n't afford that as a country , so that erm generally erm his application would be judged according to certain criteria erm which would suggest perhaps he needed to be represented .
19 Well I think colour 's awful important so I liked in Marion 's an awful lot .
20 At five o'clock I said to Chris I said , How about if I ask Cindy if she can help .
21 You 'll do Louise , she comes out at eight o'clock , by nine o'clock I wan na go anyway
22 A few minutes after twelve o'clock I reported to the police station .
23 At 6.30 pm I leave for home and a quick shower before going to the darts match and a few beers .
24 But that 's suggestive enough I think to s That 's probably what 's causing your breathless even if you do n't notice it and you 're compensating .
25 It was about what , four o'clock I went over Tesco 's
26 I , you know , usually for the hundred tonight I meant to be served up one packet and that means Wednesday buying
27 It really was a pleasant shade of blonde now I looked at it .
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