Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] had been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Like many women , I had not know what to expect and had been shocked at how little I had been told about the reality of giving birth .
2 Previous to this we had been left very much to our own resources .
3 They did not recognize the British calendar , or , indeed , she was later to discover , their own : their first choice of conference date had been Boxing Day , but from this they had been dissuaded .
4 Somewhat before this he had been introduced , probably by Anne Boleyn , to some rather more revolutionary reading matter : The Obedience of a Christian Man , written by the suspected heretic William Tyndale .
5 It was clear he had been beaten , his face was bruised and his ragged clothing was hanging from him .
6 He was conspicuously trying to be brave , but it was quite clear he had been devastated by the experience .
7 It was known to Charles too , for in 832 he had been installed as king there , briefly , at Limoges .
8 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
9 By 1985 he had been relegated to a place in the wings while his wife , now a media star , glowed .
10 Bristol University Student Union declined to join the protest , afraid it had been hijacked by extremists .
11 CD describes a ‘ piece of water in the midst ’ but although there was originally a fountain there , by 1780 it had been displaced by the plinth of the present statue of William III added in 1808 , BR 70 .
12 Ever since he was two years old he had been captivated by the pictures of the fiery beasts in The Octarine Fairy Book .
13 She was most amusing , and described how much she had been abused by reviewers and how one man wrote to her asking her to explain what on earth her books were all about , and enclosed a stamped and addressed envelope for her reply — ‘ I used it when I was paying a bill ’ .
14 It was only now that she was happy with the girls in Littlewood 's Pools that Joe realised how much she had been hurt by the cattiness in her previous job .
15 Afterwards Stella was convinced she had been rebuked .
16 Trade union representatives saw themselves as being accountable either to their respective trade union or to the regional TUC ( the nominating body ) , although virtually no employers ' representatives saw themselves as being accountable to regional or national CBI and many were unaware they had been nominated by this body .
17 It was also a strategic move towards the long-term goal of gaining international recognition for its struggle , and as such it had been resisted steadfastly by Ramos 's predecessors .
18 Jonathan described to the court how in August 1991 he had been given a blackcurrant drink made by Allitt .
19 When his trial opened on May 26 he had been charged with complicity in genocide , and the presiding judge had only substituted the lesser charge of instigating murder at the moment of reaching a verdict .
20 In July 1991 it had been announced that some 200 investigations into shootings by border guards would be undertaken ; a second trial of border guards had begun in December 1991 .
21 ‘ The boys said the bed was rumpled , but they were n't convinced it had been slept in .
22 He was convinced he had been tricked .
23 In 1377 the tax had been levied at 4d. a head , in 1379 it had been graduated and in December 1380 Parliament granted a further tax at 1s. a head , and although suggestions were made that the rich should help the poor to meet this heavy burden , one suspects that these were largely unheeded .
24 When he got back to Istanbul and changed one of the notes he realised how much he had been given .
25 When he got back to Istanbul and changed one of the notes he realised how much he had been given .
26 After the death of King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway at the battle of Svold in 999 it had been ruled by Earl Eric of Lade and his brother Swegen under the sovereignty of Cnut 's father ; according to later Scandinavian tradition , Eric married Swegen Forkbeard 's daughter Gytha .
27 Meanwhile on Aug. 26 it had been announced that , with Gorbachev 's agreement , Silayev had transferred the functions of several USSR ministries and two central banks to the control of the relevant RSFSR ministers .
28 On March 7 he had been suspended from the House of Commons for 20 days after the Commons select committee on members ' interests had on Feb. 19 upheld two allegations against him of failing to declare business dealings in the register of MPs ' interests .
29 Erm I had rather thought that that you had been given erm sufficient information already to perhaps make a straightforward simple strategic choice between between districts .
30 Around the middle of 1969 I had been asked by the Jockey Club whether I would join the board of United Racecourses , for one reason and one reason only : in order to keep the peace between the Jockey Club and Lord Wigg .
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