Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] could [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And I thought , if I got that I could give it to Irene and could go wedding .
2 Quite interesting I could give you a much gr a greater variety of ways up and down stairs than probably anybody .
3 He knew she was getting at him — imagine a man like Marc Vila admitting to being foolish ever ! — but if she kept calm like this she could undermine him just as he had tried to undermine her .
4 this cardigan was sixty two pounds , but it 's really nice , you know , and it 's , I 'm saying this you could make me one the same
5 You could win this you could win it all back at once .
6 We should never have got rid of the little Fiat we used to have which started first time every time and if anything did go wrong you could fix it with an elastic band or a bit of string , Gianluigi used to say , although personally I 'm hopeless with machinery .
7 If you do n't know many yourself , ask the residents if they know some they could teach you .
8 ‘ But , for someone who does n't know , in an old house like this it could take us months to find it . ’
9 Like other monarchs through history , Charles took the course of letting another take the most major step on his behalf ; if it went wrong he could repudiate it , if it went well then it was obviously a wise action for all .
10 ‘ I do wish you 'd make some effort to grow up , ’ said my mother before she could stop herself , for she did n't want her future son-in-law to know how much I could irritate her .
11 ‘ There was n't anything much I could tell them yesterday . ’
12 For my part I would have to decide how much I could tell her without giving away Neil 's presence on Moila .
13 There was n't much I could tell 'em except ter give 'em a description o' the Italian-lookin' bloke .
14 There was nothing much she could tell us about him anyway , only what we knew already .
15 We found then that the bigger the objective lens was the more light could be got and the bigger you could make it , so as I got bigger and got er the chance of making my own lenses and building up lenses of various kinds , I found that I could get quite a good magnification .
16 Er I think the difficulty was , there was n't much they could charge him with .
17 And unbelievably , they were convinced they could do it .
18 The less official he could make it the better .
19 The closeness had somehow died , but apart from this she 'd been so sure there was much he could tell her .
20 It was all very pleasant , and Cassie began to remember what she had all but forgotten : Just what good company Ben was , and how much he could make her laugh .
21 And he knew I did n't have to be home for the kids or whatever , he knew my circumstances so well and he knew th exactly how much he could use me you know .
22 Grey you could say they were dark , if you did n't know for definite you could say they were dark trousers .
23 Distinctively tinted , the aromatics are so strong you could confuse it with cologne as it glugs out of the bottle ; there is almost a lavendery quality .
24 She was ready , just by that you could see she looked better .
25 He was not saying merely that you believed it , but that you could know it as certainty !
26 I 'm just so glad I could do it !
27 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
28 More Melina Mercouri , hi , knees , glad you could make it , check food , what the hell that 's never a problem .
29 ‘ I 'm so glad you could make it tonight , Stefan .
30 We 're so glad you could make it .
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