Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] would have [be] " in BNC.

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1 If I had n't been pregnant I would have been sent back to Bullwood , but they have n't got a mother and baby unit there , though in those days Styal was only for women over twenty-one , apart from the pregnant borstal girls .
2 To look at her you would have thought that she had her life perfectly in control — but how wrong you would have been .
3 You may have already decided what sort of walking boots to buy , but the shop assistant will , with barely disguised contempt , correct you , telling you how foolish you would have been to buy such footwear , how lucky it was you came here first , and convincing you that for only an extra £65 you can have the boot you really need .
4 When she was fastened to my fist people really scared her , whereas if she had been free she would have been able to take evasive action .
5 In doing this it would have been helpful to include profitability or value added as the independent variable but in all countries there were many companies which did not know or would not release these figures in relation to individual products .
6 Had Kant believed this he would have been quick to point it out ; but he does not .
7 If X had put the £100,000 on deposit , then he would have received £10,000 , and out of this he would have been left with £6,000 after tax .
8 If it had been wet it would have been impossible on horseback , but he managed it .
9 If ever afterwards Creggan had been asked at what moment on that journey north he knew he was free he would have been able to answer precisely .
10 two forty it would have been
11 At the dinner the topic of conversation came round to a discussion of how historically interesting it would have been if people living in Saxon or medieval England had produced scale models of houses built in those days .
12 I ca n't be certain how much I would have been earning working for myself … ’
13 His face was so unguarded that if she had not loved him as much she would have been afraid for him .
14 If she had thought for one moment he was serious she would have been deeply shocked .
15 If they had scored a second it would have been no robbery . ’
16 How marvellous it was to be free ; how appalling it would have been to have had to wash some man 's socks and cope with his whingeing children .
17 But then she remembered Tony , and how grateful she would have been to anyone who had had the courage to give her a hint of his real nature …
18 The main difference for the very old , then , may be that whereas when they were younger it would have been possible to work through the effects of multiple grief and achieve some new balance in life , forming new relationships and so on , in old age this is less likely .
19 I put his age at forty , but even among men twenty years younger he would have been accounted handsome , and he knew it , for his expression showed both confidence and amusement as he continued to hold Ellen 's hand , and he showed even more amusement when she suddenly realised just what liberty she was thus granting him and jerked her fingers swiftly away .
20 She knew that now , had known it from the very first moment she had met him , however more comfortable it would have been to dismiss him as all brawn and no brain .
21 If you 'd been around , I 'm sure I would have been able to say no . ’
22 ‘ Another 12 hours and I am sure she would have been dead . ’
23 She would have gone herself , but her leg was stiff and sore again and she was n't sure she would have been able to manage the stairs .
24 See th history of the union is I mean er but er you know it 's a it 's a process is n't it in in a way the management have are probably really kicking themselves now for what 's happened you know I mean , their li latest statement is er , Well if there had n't been so much ou outside interference I 'm sure we 'd have been able to settle .
25 Had the score been the other way round I 'm sure we 'd have been the first match to be shown with umpteen repeats of all the goals .
26 Erm again it 's a question of time I 'm sure they would have been probably reasonably er adequate .
27 ‘ If the company had made this kind of claim in a newspaper advertisement , I 'm sure they would have been in breach of the codes of conduct on financial and political advertising , ’ he said .
28 I could not understand why Hindley , who hated him , would want his company , and I felt sure it would have been better for all of us if Heathcliff had never come back .
29 ‘ It is 30 years since my father 's first victory here and I am sure he would have been the first to have congratulated Ayrton on breaking his record of five wins .
30 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
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