Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 like this I was n't the least bit even not tired or anything .
2 ‘ You deserve it , but I was afraid they were n't the sort of people to make wills and the house would go to the Crown or whatever they do in these cases . ’
3 The toilet was er at the back of what we used to call the brew house it was n't a kitchen it was a brew house , and er the , the toilet was at the back of the brew house adjacent to the old ash pit , which was an ash pit in those days it was filled up and when it was filled , they used to come at night and empty the ash pit wheel up the entry it might be there for three or four months and you got flies , bluebottles all sorts in the hot weather you know , I could n't try my shoes on sometimes , but er it was a bit , well I suppose in those days they used to take it for granted , it was a bit primitive it was n't the best five houses in the area , but er
4 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
5 whether you put it on number two or number nine or high it 's still the same , flame
6 To some it is even the ultimate treason against faith , the unpardonable sin .
7 ‘ I 'm afraid it 's just the kind of reasoning he would apply .
8 It is a place of calm and classical beauty : I am afraid it is exactly the sort of place for which one must long most desperately when out of Greece .
9 Finding a publisher is hard for all writers and we know from the letters and diaries of writers as important as Gerard Manley Hopkins , Joseph Conrad and Hermann Melville how painful it is when the writing will not come .
10 Then there was the complication of Malcolm , and one way and another it was n't the most ideal setting for the consummation of young love .
11 They are also thinking too much about what counts and when you do that you are up the creek , and at the moment Gloucester have not got a paddle
12 Ml I can say is , I 'm glad I 'm not the bride tomorrow .
13 Is that all , I 'm glad I 'm not the only one who does that .
14 Lucky we 're nearly the same size . ’
15 According to the more ambitious it is now the duty of the directors to operate the business in the interests of the employees in addition to those of the members .
16 He 's not abnormal he 's just the living dead yeah death warmed up .
17 that while injury to Lonrho 's business was foreseeable it was not the defendants ' purpose to bring it about .
18 I first drew attention to the shortcomings of this edition in 1981 I was not the first to suspect it : as long ago as 1964 Sir Charles Mackerras , in preparing Castor et Pollux for a BBC broadcast , became suspicious of some of the scoring , went over to Paris to inspect the sources for himself , and made some extensive last-minute changes .
19 And I am sure I am not the only one here who has found himself out of his depth in a conversation , yet has managed to keep his end up by repeating what other people are saying .
20 I AM sure I am not the only woman who wept in sympathy , shame and anger at the outrage done to the people of Warrington .
21 I 'm sure I 'm not the only person for whom running improves creativity .
22 That 's nine point three million pounds of business rates , and I 'm sure I 'm not the only person here that pays business rates in Wiltshire , and I have n't noticed any sign that my rate bill are going down , course they 're not .
23 I 'm sure I was n't the only young hopeful to feel bitterness and a sense of being let down by those who otherwise inspired us in our guitar playing .
24 And , of course , you must make sure you 're here the next time we come swimming . ’
25 — Make sure you are both the appropriate weight for your height as obesity and anorexia can affect both male and female fertility .
26 I 'm sure she 's not the only person who feels like this .
27 TO MANY she 's still the chirpy Cockney who made it on her looks and has little else to offer .
28 Erm make sure they 're still the right
29 After making sure they were indeed the kidnappers , Waite was blindfolded .
30 ‘ After all they were once the very best of friends .
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