Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [modal v] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I used to cut across this it used to be a field on the way home from
2 If we are sensible it ought to be against San Marino in February . ’
3 Well anybody over forty years old it ought to be , it ought to be compulsory !
4 They used to These they used to be a round used to be round you know and not very used to hit them as you hit them with a stick you see , they used to wheel wheel round and round .
5 I 'll do all I can To be freed of the
6 Now I 'm like you , you 're like I used to be .
7 ‘ I 'm sure you ought to be sitting down , ’ Julia said as soon as the introductions had been made .
8 And you used to be ab well you used to be able to over the flames of the fire on one side , and then er a saucepan on the other on the in one side with your vegetables in one side , with your potatoes in and then you used to have your oven with a for your meat .
9 Jean Stubbs does the same for the 60s in Like We Used To Be ( Macmillan , £11.95 ) bringing to life the world of Flower Power and pot , contraception and the Beatles .
10 That 's right there 's a that used to be an old meadow , that 's all it used to be , course now , they 've got a nice football pitch on it now .
11 Do n't you remember how good it used to be ? ’
12 In the 1970s it used to be said that the British paid themselves more than they really earned .
13 For example , when I first lived alone I used to be in a state of anxiety every time I left the house , for fear that I had forgotten something .
14 ‘ It was her life , you see , parties and pretty clothes , and putting them on makes her remember how happy she used to be .
15 Besides , do n't you remember how lonely you used to be on your own ? ’
16 Yes , but On the last comment that er Chris made er bringing us and the letter to county about the the failure of the meeting on the twenty second cos we feel that they are just lying down to the situation and not pursuing a pursuing the D A P about whatsoever and erm we are , certainly in John 's letter probably get it signed tonight complaining and asking for a a meeting as soon as possible because we feel that that they ought to be pursuing the question of these two sites , they 're dragging their feet !
17 I suppose to be technical it ought to be the er it ought to be referred to as the Franco- German war .
18 ‘ I 'll just bet she was some broad he used to be in love with or something , and he 's been giving her the brush-off while she 's trying to fan the embers , get back to the way it used to be . ’
19 He was n't sure just how worried he ought to be by Therese Aschmann .
20 I used to wear a bra the same size as my mother 's , size 40 it used to be , but I just seemed to dry up completely .
21 Black and blue I used to be . ’
22 And er then er these two erm er Then when we used to when we was the young you used to be able to go down to Skeggie for a day on train for two and six .
23 Oh yes , that was what oh , but wi with the weather being nice we ought to be out .
24 How cross you used to be if a goose 's feather 's were n't drawn straight ! ’ ,
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