Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh dear me does this tape recorder understand Essex girls ?
2 By political I mean those cases which arise out of controversial legislation or controversial action initiated by public authorities , or which touch important moral or social issues .
3 That 's right I mean this card is carried with them and looked at all every every basically everybody will look at that erm because the good quality
4 In 1986 I cultivated new ambitions which took me out of the British orbit and on to a higher plane .
5 The other nauseating one was when Gazza scored for england … and MR CompleteUnco/HeadlessChicken/LameHorse carlton palmer ran over to him , joined hands , and ‘ wiggled ’ his lips … sorry I mean hind quarters .
6 Then the mesh , she told Sally the next time she saw her , I 'm sorry I made that mistake about you having a sister she said to Sally , I 've written to tell mother you 've said you have n't one she must of been mistaken what your mother said .
7 Actually I was so anxious to have him that I would have said anything — but I did put my marriage first , I made that choice , and although it meant I had many , many years of frustration as an actress , I 'm not sorry I made that choice .
8 Now so what you 're going to do you work together but I would prefer you in twos and threes I think third person 's redundant .
9 I well remember going as a new convert into a Baptist church for the first time : how strange I found that row of five deacons ' chairs which dominated the scene , and even stranger the little cups for communion .
10 Up till about 1980 I had little experience of float fishing for big bream , and I do n't recall ever having read anything on the subject .
11 As a child of the Thirties I heard much talk of J.P.M. and Fred Shaw ( the NCLC Organiser ) , Plebs and the Railway Service Journal — and the Manchester Guardian — were as much a part of my youthful literary life as Mickey Mouse and Film Fun .
12 He instantly took in that I brought bad news and steered me at once into the noisy outside coupling space between the dayniter and the central dining car .
13 Could he just make sure though that in his plans by defining community care and by by that I mean social care as opposed to health care , in a certain way .
14 After a week of that I decided one night to leave in the morning .
15 I would also add to that that I think such work would help us in terms of targeting more effectively the existing resources we have in terms of service delivery .
16 I weighed eleven stone when I was in the Line : before I came out with that I weighed five stone ten .
17 But I think it may be more appropriate if I actually met with say the management committee as opposed to myself yes I 'm quite happy to do that to meet any individual or group who feel they have some concerns they wish to discuss and I give that I give that assurance this evening .
18 Intermittent tamarisk jungle grew along the banks of the Awash and in this I saw several herds of waterbuck , many warthog and an occasional bushbuck .
19 But then it was this I thought any minute it 's gon na be Somewhere over the Rainbow .
20 By this I mean those aspects of her I like least .
21 So but I think with this I mean this homework , that 's the only thing I do n't believe in because they 've got ta revise it which is brilliant , I mean , at the moment but they also give them three hours homework a night !
22 By this I mean any process or phenomenon that involves a mapping of two or more elements .
23 Thank you chairman , I , I second er 's motion , erm trying to be not political about this I got some figures from the er county council which indicate that from the first of April ninety-two to the thirty-first of December ninety-two eighty-six members attended committee meetings of which they were not members .
24 At the far end , once again my , detector gave a nice small signal , quite different from the copper halfpennies , and as I dug down to retrieve this I had some idea in mind that this might be a hammered .
25 After this I bought some contact magazines .
26 This I did three times before getting in , largely on the strength of some Moroccan paintings I had recently completed .
27 ‘ We do n't want to start crowing because we 're not up there yet , but if we keep on like this I believe this side can make a challenge . ’
28 When nylon underwear first became popular I produced similar fireworks and had to earth myself to radiators when nobody was looking .
29 In Chapter 12 I give additional clarifications about my use of the word " structure " and try to explain why a structural approach is incompatible with a description of the world in terms of objects and attributes .
30 Yes , no not everyone , some I know one person who 's name 's Adam , he finishes Tuesday
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