Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [vb base] [n mass] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And erm you know it was a a bad time really b you know it was the thirties I mean people say it 's bad now but er I do n't think it 's it 's as bad now as it was then .
2 " The exhibitors thought they just wanted a big shed , " Bizat phlegmatically recalls , " and their view was " all we want people to see is our stands , we do n't want them looking anywhere else " , so they disliked the idea ofa setting that was attractive in itself But the then architect , Dr Peter Smith , wanted to bring the Palace back to its previous glory .
3 I think , I du n no whether it 's more political more you know people think well why was twenty million wasted on a college you know and saying like that I think you know which is less the Sun .
4 The first pay they got was two the the first I remember people gillying for the Stenness Hotel , their pay was two and six and a gill of whisky .
5 But in general I think people accept the fact that with used vehicles erm that , depending on the age and mileage of the vehicle they 've got , they accept that obviously they ca n't have a thousand pound cover on say a hundred thousand mile Sierra for example .
6 then Sandy has n't given me a time but I think I 'd suggested to him between six and seven I think people like that they do n't have to go home and
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