Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [vb past] to be " in BNC.

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1 We had only brief glimpses of the parrot as it flew across gaps in the canopy , and with that I had to be content .
2 In the next letter he wrote me , dated 7 May , he announced that he was to have a holiday ; and this I knew to be much overdue .
3 At seven years old I determined to be a great footballer .
4 Oh , she knew what was going through his head all right , and how careful she had to be not to say or do anything he might misinterpret .
5 In order to do this they had to be something very unlikely to happen or they would not be regarded as a novus actus interveniens .
6 The end-product was interpreted and enforced by judges who were independent of both the legislature and the executive and whose jobs were guaranteed regardless of how inconvenient they proved to be .
7 In 1876 he decided to be an architect , the following year becoming articled to Basil Champneys [ q.v . ] .
8 Crown lending was never a major part of Aaron 's business , however , and after 1169 he ceased to be a primary Crown lender , concentrating instead on building up his own vast financial network of agents and clients from his Lincoln base .
9 Appointed in April 1720 he had to be threatened with dismissal by James Craggs [ q.v. ] , the secretary of state , before he would go .
10 No matter how realistic and cautious I tried to be about changes at home , in my heart I only wanted reassurance that things would be as before .
11 The results were a very mixed bag , with some of them so gloomy they refused to be quoted .
12 Mr Takeshita bulldozed this through parliament last December , and on April 1st it began to be applied to all goods and services .
13 Huy started to walk away , realising with bitterness how far away he still was from being accepted in this new society , and realising to his renewed surprise how much he wanted to be .
14 ‘ Or is it just possible you wanted to be pregnant ? ’
15 When she arrived in England in 1568 she claimed to be seeking the protection of her cousin Elizabeth , but at the same time began scheming for support in her claims to both thrones , having earlier told a priest that she ‘ trusted to find many friends when time did serve , especially among those of the old religion ’ .
16 Her voice and her looks told him exactly how little she wanted to be away from him , and his hands tightened as he rubbed his lips lightly against hers .
17 And I 'm awfully glad I happened to be passing .
18 ‘ I 'm glad I happened to be awake , ’ I said , ‘ but I must go now .
19 ‘ I 'm glad you decided to be sensible . ’
20 Before they were out of the English channel a severe storm washed a man overboard and left Mrs Dutton so ill she had to be taken ashore in a pilot boat when the storm dropped .
21 have a white one if they 're all white they got to be put down .
22 The ASWs were asked to indicate which of these each individual suffered and which of these they considered to be severe .
23 The further east the northern Devon type was found , the larger it seemed to be .
24 The most notorious of these streets , Pimlico off Church Street , was a derelict slum within ten years of its building around 1820 , and by the 1870s it had to be demolished .
25 The eyes were open and Ewan could see that , no matter how objective he tried to be , something lived in this body , something which he would soon extinguish with his own , vibrant , developed persona .
26 In 1984 it had to be amended further to follow the Euro-notion of ‘ equal pay for work of equal value ’ whereby the pay of women occupying jobs without immediate male comparison is set equal to men 's through the opinion of a judge rather than the operation of market forces .
27 ‘ The landlord said the fellow made it obvious he wanted to be left to himself .
28 You see if There is going to be a war , and God 's people had also to be warriors and so there was that element of religion as well that that we had to be trained as warriors for the Lord .
29 While you waited to see me , you had plenty of time to reflect on just how good I had to be to afford a suite of offices like this one .
30 Quite early , I made up my mind that all I wanted to be was a top flight boxer , to follow Jack Johnson in my own way and become the first black British heavyweight champion .
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