Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] would [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cold climates are said to affect blacks adversely because of their body fat deficiencies , weak ankles would account for the lack of black hockey players , etc .
2 These schemes may be divided into two : those advocating that the service provided by the NHS may best be improved by increasing its efficiency through the introduction of more commercial criteria ; and those claiming that the greatest improvements would come from changing the funding arrangements by introducing some form of health insurance .
3 The proportion of manufactured goods in Malaysia 's total exports would rise from 60.4 per cent in 1990 to 81.8 per cent in 2000 .
4 It could , for example , refuse to hand a child back to a drunk parent but the child 's continued detention against parental wishes would have to be authorised by court order as soon as possible .
5 Devolved local council government would be introduced , and the policy of reservation of jobs for members of the lower castes would continue for a further 10 years .
6 The plaintiffs argued that certain specific projects would result in the loss of wildlife covered by the Act , and that therefore their own interests would be harmed .
7 The setting of economic objectives and projections by individual countries would imply that the ‘ success ’ of economic policy could be tested and judged by other countries , and by implication that appropriate economic policies would need to be introduced if objectives were not being achieved .
8 If the Labour Party were to build up an effective electoral machine , its leaders argued such controversial activities would have to be abandoned in the interests of widening popular support .
9 The Cecchini Report does not have much to say on this issue , but the implication of such a policy is that monetary policies would need to be co-ordinated to prevent the growth of monetary instability .
10 TGAT had the job of rationalising and elaborating this instruction so that subject working groups would operate to a common format .
11 Firstly , section 6(3) ( a ) : if compliance with all parental preferences would result in overcrowding then the governors may apply any reasonable criteria to make the necessary reduction in numbers .
12 How many Labour supporters would vote for a ban on fishing ?
13 But unless policies were changed , the number of private cars would increase by 45 per cent by 2010 and road haulage by 42 per cent .
14 A second phase involving a further 1,170 concerns would begin in 1992 , but more than 400 enterprises in key economic sectors would remain in state hands for at least a further five years .
15 It was feared a hundred and fifty animals would have to be destroyed .
16 Hordes of hostile bicycle-rickshaw drivers would jeer at us — and it became quite hard just to walk through the streets .
17 Differences over the political future of Civic Forum deepened , and it was agreed in February 1991 [ see p. 38017 ] that two separate political parties would emerge from the umbrella organization of Civic Forum : the Civic Democratic Party ( Klaus ' wing ) and Civic Movement ( consisting of many of President Havel 's closest associates such as Dienstbier and Pithart ) .
18 More sober advocates are content to imply that in Britain a Conservative constituency party would field a wet , a damp and a dry candidate , whilst Labour candidates would range from deep crimson to shell pink , and the Liberal Democrats would presumably run at least one ex-Liberal and one ex-SDP candidate .
19 It followed that further improvements would result in even higher earnings .
20 Moreover , the absorption of the rational expectations hypothesis into the new classical economics led to a further , altogether more radical claim : the monetary and fiscal authorities would succeed in depressing the unemployment rate below U * ; only to the extent that they could inveigle agents into formulating erroneous expectations .
21 Separate schools for children of different religions would lead to segregation and sectarian conflict similar to that in Northern Ireland , Mr Fletcher said .
22 Certainly it became economic to pay recording artists large fees ; and without mass-production , few recordings of top artists would survive in playable form today .
23 Under the ‘ Pleven Plan ’ , announced by premier René Pleven in October , France , Germany , and other interested states would join in a European Army .
24 The imposition of a slightly lighter sentence in a few cases would seem to be a small price to pay for the conviction of more guilty offenders .
25 It was not , for them , simply a matter of supposing that what held true in some cases would hold in all , but of their coming to see a particular case as an instance of an intuitively recognizable universal truth .
26 In this way popular schools could be allowed to ‘ expand ’ by increasing their pupil numbers , whilst unpopular schools would be allowed to contract — and in some cases would cease to be viable .
27 I other day I tried to work out where my favourite resorts would come in the German magazine 's top fifty .
28 If the number of pleats across the knitting includes a half-repeat , with the pattern positioned symmetrically as above four and a half repeats would fall on the knitting as in Fig 7 .
29 Some savings would come from job cuts and closures of geographically competing branches .
30 Is he saying that free representation — as opposed to advice — paid for out of public funds would continue to be a monopoly of UKIAS or some other similar organisation ?
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