Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] or [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 2 FREE Air Miles with every 25 litres of Shell Advanced Fuels or with every litre of Shell Oil .
2 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
3 A general name for the familiar demon or mischievous spirit who dwells in private houses or in the chinks of trees .
4 Words can be split either according to a set of pre-defined rules or from a table of correct hyphenations but in both cases ensure that English English is being used rather than American .
5 Now in drama an excessive degree of vested interest in either the technical aspects or in the substance of the subject-matter can upset the balance so that the ‘ game ’ of drama and the necessary spontaneity that goes with it disappear .
6 Other such epiphytes include some bromeliads and several orchids , where ants live in hollow pseudobulbs or between the roots .
7 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
8 This can be doing running down actions for existing private clients or as an adjunct to one of their other areas of litigation .
9 The notices give general information on particular aspects of the tax , while leaflets provide more specialised guidance for specific trades or on the liability of certain supplies .
10 Well , we have n't had a single row er between the political parties or between the young people involved so far .
11 Pope John was not weak , was not a compromiser , was not indulgent towards erroneous opinions or towards the so-called inevitability of history etc .
12 In the absence of other acceptable proposals or of the will on the part of government to override opposition to such proposals as existed , shortage of revenue remained an obstacle to central government action and was acutely worsened by the high cost of the Boer War which opened in 1899 .
13 Believe in God for wrong reasons or for no reason at all and you can not expect to be free from doubt .
14 Health is another , whether in the form of workplace hazards that pose broader dangers or in the form of struggles to defend the health service .
15 It was difficult to determine whether the explosions were from the German shells or from the Allied shells passing over , with the usual one or two dropping short .
16 For shorter sessions or for a wandering style on rivers , a combination chair/rucksack , fold-up stool or chair , are better .
17 Interspersed with his translation of the books of the Old Testament , which was never completed , were polemical works ; for in light of the reception of his New Testament he felt no need to restrain his views either on the English clergy or on the Roman Catholic Church .
18 There are some reprieved murderers whom it is right to release on licence after very short periods of imprisonment ( for example , a mother who kills an imbecile child from merciful motives ) , and it would be undesirable in such cases for a court publicly to pass a sentence of imprisonment for a few months or for a year or two , and thereby to create the impression that the taking of human life may in certain circumstances be no graver a crime than theft .
19 The result was that in subsequent phases of the debt ‘ crisis ’ , the Korean government never had to negotiate with foreign bankers or with the IMF .
20 Courses may also be advertised in local jobcentres and public libraries or on the display boards of local employment agencies .
21 Yet they all certainly benefit from the much closer coordination of industry and finance , whether this is through preferential interest rates from a number of different banks or through the advisory functions of their main lenders .
22 But cases of die links between different places or over a long period of time are unusual .
23 All the excess food is in the wrong places or in the wrong hands .
24 Traditionally parents , through direct appeals or through a parents ' organisation have provided additional funds for ‘ extras ’ for the children and the school .
25 The work of the committees of the council is always the subject of report to the council in some form , either as a report of what the committee has done under delegated powers or by the submission for the approval of the council of the recommendations of the committee .
26 At the end of June a UN spokesman stated that the Iraqi report contained new information but no details of foreign suppliers or of the number of ballistic weapons Iraq had used .
27 75% disappeared from the regulations altogether , whether as a minimum grant-in-aid of teaching costs as in the old regulations or as a maximum as proposed in the Ashby Report : an explanatory memorandum from the Ministry said that the Minister would continue to use this figure as a guide while bearing in mind all the other factors concerned with quality , need , students ' fees and so on .
28 It is this too which causes me personally to be deeply resentful of the practice so prevalent in the mass of fiscal and planning legislation of relegating provisions of real substance to Schedules which are sometimes cross-referenced between one another , so that construing the statute becomes a sort of verbal jigsaw puzzle that can only be solved by laying out numerous copies of the Act open at different pages or by the judicious use of more fingers than the number with which nature has been pleased to endow us .
29 However , the significance of the above cases is not confined to activities not in the nature of commercial ventures or to the past or to contracting out by government .
30 Unless there is to be a capital reduction of Target , the buy-in of shares must for company law purposes be effected out of Target 's distributable profits or from the proceeds of the issue of new shares .
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